On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of 23 February: Pd and right anti-pm, M5s and Leu pro. Togas Assault Leader iv lies about open as B

by time news

The Russians in the Donbass

Putin: “Ukraine? A threat “Biden:” Now Kiev is also at risk “

Dialogue between the deaf – The Tsar: “The Minsk agreements are no longer valid” The White House: “Moscow has a distorted view of history”

The interview

“Other than the EU, only Francis can impose peace on Putin”

Sergio Romano – Historian and ambassador

he folder

The war of sanctions: here is who loses the most

The reaction to the invasion of the Donbass. From 2014 to today For Moscow they give from 570 billion. But from the Russians of the City to the banks of Paris to the Italian food, everyone is losing, Berlin in the lead


Wear and stumbling: the League works for the polls

The verb that circulates most insistently among Matteo Salvini’s loyalists in these hours is “slip”. Towards the swamp first, towards the rupture then, finally towards the vote. Not in June, however – “the referendum is already too early” they say from Via Bellerio – but more likely in the autumn. What a situation, given […]

The interview

“The anti-Covid recall every year will not be needed”

The immunologist Clerici – “4th dose only for the frail”

The Interview – Beth Macy

“Better addicts than Big Pharma: ‘Dopesick’ denounces the massacre”

She is the author of the book-investigation on oxycodone, which creates addiction and death from overdose: from there, the TV series

A league

The Bonomi of a thousand professions: he is serious about the football league

The N. 1 of Confindustria is re-applying to the press

Winds of war

The premier remains immobile on the crisis: Di Maio speaks in Parliament today

Charges against Draghi – Il WSJ criticizes him: “Insecure”


Swamp risk, Conte revolt

Appeal – Waiting for the court, the suspended boss calls the members on 10-11 March

Fact checking

From the Cassation to the father: the former prime minister is clever seven times

The speech in the classroom – Point by point

Background – Case B.

Matteo as Silvio: in 2011 same vote on Ruby and Mubarak

Matteo Renzi did not invent anything: the attribution conflict between state powers (which he wanted today to make some of his whatsapp messages disappear from the Open investigation that had actually been found in the mobile phone of the entrepreneur Vincenzo Manes) had already been raised , in April 2011, by Silvio Berlusconi. The then Prime Minister was under investigation for the […]

Silence on letters rogatory

Millions of Fontana in Switzerland, the investigating judge closes the investigation

The investigating judge of Milan, at the request of the prosecutors, closed the investigation in which the Lombard governor Attilio Fontana was under investigation for self-laundering and false voluntary disclosure in relation to 5.3 million euros that were deposited in an account in Lugano, shielded in 2015, and in particular on part of the money, 2.5 million, which […]

Milan, wrath civil parties

“He molested 4 girls between 5 and 9 years old” Pm: “Tenuous fact”

The Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office asked for a 25-year-old to be sentenced to one year, on trial with an abbreviated procedure, on charges of having molested four girls, between 5 and 9 years old, in a riding school on the outskirts of Milan. But, as reported by Ansa, the prosecutor at the end of the indictment that took place in front of the […]

Crema, investigating judge: ‘he had no faults’

Child injured at school, mayor filed away

He was not at fault. The proceedings against the mayor of Crema, Stefania Bonaldi, under investigation for culpable injuries due to the accident that occurred in October 2020 to a pupil of one of the two municipal kindergartens who had crushed his fingers in a fire door, without sustaining permanent injuries. The investigation had […]

Milan, sold to banks

“Scam” on 1 billion local health authorities: Torzi investigated

Bad loans Bad loans against ASL of southern Italy that were securitized to be resold as financial products to institutional investors. The Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Milan Financial Police unit investigate finished transactions for bonds with a nominal (overall) value of 1 billion euros, […]

Messina, 81 arrests

“The mafia brought votes to Musumeci’s list”

The Barcelona mafia Pozzo di Gotto would have voted Become Beautiful at the Comunali in October 2020, the movement founded by the Sicilian governor Nello Musumeci. In the investigation by the Carabinieri and the Messina Public Prosecutor’s Office into the ‘Barcelona’ mafia, which arrested 81 people (86 suspects), reference is made to the “vote-seekers” Mariano Calderone and […]

Hong Kong

Too many infections, a swab obligation from March

If Europe is preparing for a gradual return to normality, Hong Kong is grappling with the worst wave since the beginning of the pandemic (around 5,000 infections a day, up to December 2021 there were 12,000 in two years) which for several days is putting a strain on the health care system, with forced patients on […]

In revolt

Low wages and the mockery of the allowance: labor inspectors towards the strike

The increases for ministerial employees have been denied: mobilization on 4 March

House of Representatives

Life imprisonment, by the Justice Commission yes to the text

The reform of the life imprisonment for those who did not cooperate is closer. The Justice Commission of the Chamber yesterday approved the text which, after the formal mandate that will be given tomorrow to the rapporteur, the president Mario Perantoni, M5S, will arrive in the Chamber. Parliament has until May to fulfill the obligation to legislate, given from the Consult […]

The appeal of the authority

Anac, procurement alarm: “The costs of raw materials risk blowing up the NRP”

“Regulatory action is urgently needed on the revision of prices in tenders to deal with the exorbitant increases in raw materials in contracts in progress regarding services and supplies”. This is the request of the president of ANAC, Giuseppe Busia, to the government and Parliament to avoid the possible failure of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) […]

ok to Fiom appeal

Court convicts Caterpillar for anti-union conduct

Bitter victory for Fiom CGIL against Caterpillar: the Court of Ancona condemned the Jesi company for “anti-union conduct”, but did not revoke the 189 dismissals decided by the automotive multinational in December. According to the judge, Caterpillar should have given prior information to the unions, to allow actions to protect employment levels. Now he will have to […]

Legitimate defense

“If he hadn’t killed him, his father would have committed a massacre”

Turin – Alex Pompa was acquitted. Here are the reasons

The other way around

They killed the violent parent. Two brothers were sentenced: 21 and 15 years old

The sentence – Punished by the “red code”

Gender-based violence

Stalker seriously injures his ex-wife: the prosecutor asked for custody in prison, but the investigating judge denied it

He stabbed his ex-wife and her new partner, seriously injuring them. This is why Pellumb Jaupi, a 53-year-old Albanian, was arrested in Rimini. There was already an investigation on him for stalking the woman and the prosecutor Davide Ercolani had asked in vain for precautionary custody in prison: the investigating judge, however, had only ordered the prohibition […]

Geopolitics and alliances

Draghi’s Atlanticism in Ukraine

The “Campo largo” – The reassuring centrist groups serve against the “bifolchi” parties – M5S and FdI – whose only culture is that of “governing” in the shadow of NATO and the neoliberals

Winds of war

NATO enlargement is the other responsible for the Ukrainian conflict

The Russian autocrat makes a move outside international law, responsible for unleashing an ever-growing conflict, putting human rights at risk. But to understand the conflict it is also necessary to observe the other field, the NATO front. Which seems free from responsibility, accustomed as we are to a West always on the right side of history. The map […]

The interview – Carlo Masala

“The Kremlin wants the East without American troops”

German, but of Italian descent, Carlo Masala is a professor of political science at the University of the Bundeswehr, the German army, in Munich. An international politics analyst specializing in transatlantic relations, Masala also taught at the NATO military school. What does Putin want? Put pressure on the US and NATO so as to obtain concessions first on one side, then […]

The challenge

Biden promises: “It will be worse than Crimea …”

In focus – Markets and services


Colombia, the Consulta makes the “revolution”: legalized abortion up to the 24th week

Colombia has decriminalized abortion. The termination of pregnancy will be lawful if practiced within the first 24 weeks of gestation. This was established by the Constitutional Court of the South American country, which with five votes in favor out of nine made possible something difficult to imagine in a nation with a clear Catholic and conservative majority. Up to this […]

The unprecedented

“Those my prisons”: Gualino. The businessman in confinement

“Confessions” of an anomalous anti-fascist


Moravia and the “flap of the pants” of his friend Pasolini: an author’s challenge

Paris’s essay one hundred years after the poet’s birth

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