On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of 25 January: MONARCHY OR REPUBLIC. Quirinale, first day – Avalanche of blank ballots awaiting real candidates

by time news

The opinions

“Dragons equal presidentialism”. “And parties cannot abdicate”

Danger Without adequate counterweights there is a risk of hyper-presidentialism Presidentialism and semi-presidentialism should not be demonized, but if you want to go in that direction, a formal passage is needed, with the consequent debate. In countries where such forms are foreseen, it is very careful to foresee forts […]

Covid-19 numbers under braking

Flop obligation over 50: convinced only one in six

Since the introduction of the decree that provides for the law, in just over two weeks 339,000 of the 2,165,000 “irreducible” vaccinated: 15%

The slaughter

Capaci, Borsellino “was investigating blacks and services”

The unprecedented meeting between the prosecutor and the extremist Volo

Flavio Carboni

“Without the hitch of Calvi I premier instead of B.”

Italian “man of mysteries” died


“Even the Russians don’t want war in the middle of winter”

Waiting for the attack on the “Veteran Brownie”

he folder

School-work: a broken system that hasn’t learned its lesson

Not only Lorenzo – Students in the square on 28


“The Sense of Hitler” for Tik Tok. Nazism relives on social media

The documentary on the “fascination of fascisms”

The move – At any cost

Draghi calls everyone: the negotiation for the relay

The request to the leaders for support of the Quirinale is rising

External seat

Drive in: positive to vote by car or ambulance

There are those who regret because they do not feel it even if they would like so much to be there. And who, while being able, decides not to go in protest and also those who claim to post even if they are not on the list. External chamber day: in the parking lot of the deputies the polling station is inaugurated to allow also the great electors to […]

Quirinale 2022 – The negotiation

“Shared name”: Letta and Salvini start talking to each other

Names ensure that there has been no mention. But at least “a dialogue has been opened”, as the joint communiqué solemnly states, which also speaks of a “long and cordial conversation”. Enrico Letta and Matteo Salvini know that they are the ones who give the cards and to do so they have to talk to each other. So much so that today they will meet again to “update”: a […]


The League reiterates its no to the premier: Casellati on pole

Strategy – Today or tomorrow the squad

Five stars

Conte tries to trust Matteo. And now with the dem there is distance

The lawyer does not move, in case he raises. For Giuseppe Conte the no to the election of Mario Draghi at the Quirinale is not negotiable, at least not now. For now he will focus on the founder of Sant’Egidio, Andrea Riccardi, “a true candidate” swears. But Conte is really ready to converge on a “high” name of the center. Or to insist on the general manager […]

he folder

“After Draghi the deluge”: all at court by the monarch

End of the world – Newspapers and pieces of power herald the imminent apocalypse if Parliament does not quickly elect Prime Minister al Colle

Babel among the pews

School, simpler rules are prepared

Viruses – Towards shortened quarantines, self-surveillance and only negative tests to re-enter

Insider trading

Diasorin, trial against 1 of S. Matteo and against Rosa

The CEO of Diasorin, Carlo Rosa, and the president of San Matteo di Pavia, Alessandro Venturi, were indicted in Milan for insider trading on the stock of the pharmaceutical multinational for a total gain of 5,500 euros. The trial was set for April 14th. As reported by the charge, […]


The key witness arrested: the accountant of Lavitola & C.

Galeotto was the green pass used by Andrea Vetromile to enter a pizzeria in Agnano (Naples). From the checks of the Finance to the databases it emerged that the man, now resident in Hungary, had to serve a definitive sentence for extortion. Hence the arrest. Vetromile is a well-known figure in the judicial news: he was the accountant for years […]

Second degree request

“Mps, reduced penalties for Mussari and Vigni”

Sentencing of all the accused, with a slight penalty discount, including the former leaders Giuseppe Mussari and Antonio Vigni respectively to 6 years and 4 months and 6 years, against 7 years and 6 months and 7 years and 3 months in the first degree. The Attorney General asked for it […]

“Didn’t kill 9 patients”

Piombino, nurse acquitted on appeal

The nurse Fausta Bonino, 58, was acquitted by the appellate judges of Florence in the second degree trial from the accusation of multiple voluntary murder aggravated by 10 suspicious deaths occurred in the resuscitation ward of the Villamarina hospital in Piombino (Livorno) , between September 2014 and September 2015. The pg Fabio Origlio had asked for a life sentence for nine […]

Swindling for 4.5 million

Maxi scam in Citterio: secretary sentenced

Licia Azzurrina Scagliotti, former trusted secretary of Antonio Citterio, world-renowned architect and designer, was sentenced to three years and 6 months in prison, accused of cheating him in an investigation that in October 2020 led to the execution of a seizure of about 4.5 million. The woman would have stolen the designer’s money too […]

The consortium

Ita, Lufthansa and Msc for the majority stake

Ita Airways received an expression of interest from the MSC maritime group (controlled by the Aponte family which also owns MSC Cruises, Grandi Navi Veloci and Snav) and from the giant Lufthansa to acquire the majority of the capital. MSC has agreed with Lufthansa its participation in the partnership on terms to be defined during […]

Financial markets

“Black Monday” for the stock exchanges. Europe burns 386 billion

Yesterday was a black Monday for European stock exchanges: the Stoxx 600 index of the main stocks listed in the Old Continent closed yesterday with a decrease of 3.6%. In just one session, 386 billion of capitalization were lost. The Ftse Mib index of the Milan stock exchange closed down 4.02%. They weighed on the lists […]

Nuclear and beyond

Italy against Brussels: thresholds too low for ‘green gas’. The taxonomy got wrapped up

The EU taxonomy on energy sources to “bless” in the fight against climate change is wrapping up: for this reason the Commission, whose proposal has been in consultation for a month, has in fact decided to postpone any decision. Blame “the chaotic and polarizing process” that has started. Italy is now contributing to the polarization, so to speak: […]

The Consultation

Crumbled 41-bis: censorship of correspondence between prisoners and lawyers is illegitimate

If Parliament has biblical times and has not yet voted on the reform of the life sentence impeding conditional release for unrepentant mafia inmates, imposed by the Constitutional Court, which gave it time until May, the Council for its part continues to dismantle other pieces of restriction of the penitentiary system concerning, in this case, i […]

Disappeared 6 years ago

Regeni, Draghi talks to parents. The notifications node remains

A new reassurance – six years after the day of the disappearance of Giulio Regeni in Cairo – arrived yesterday morning: the Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia met Paola and Claudio Regeni, parents of the researcher, in a videoconference. ‘lawyer Alessandra Ballerini. The theme of the meeting was that […]

Ukraine and diplomacy

Brussels is thinking of new sanctions for Moscow, but the EU is disunited

The announcements and diplomatic contacts between the West and Russia continue to prevent the tension on the Ukrainian border from leading to a clash. Even if at least apparently no one wants to give up ground. News came from Washington yesterday that the Biden Administration is considering sending troops to the Baltic. Siparla of 8,500 […]

Extradition to the USA

Supreme Court, yes to the appeal: Assange plays the last card

The Wikileaks founder buys time, but stays inside the London jail


Announce the massacre via WhatsApp, enter the courtroom and open fire

German Athenaeum – Student kills a woman and commits suicide


Feline thrill: Japan exports books for “cats”

From Murakami to Makoto and Naruki, Japanese literature, and consequently Western literature, loves hairy people. The first was, in the early 1900s, “I am a cat” by Soseki

From Rome

“Twelve notes only”, Baglioni starts from the theaters: “Maybe it will be my last tour like this”

60 winter dates plus summer concerts

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