On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of 28 April:

by time news

Covid 19 – Reopening and third wave

The curfew sets fire to the right and smashes the crowded Draghi

Clash – The measure will be “revised”, but the League e BE they leave the classroom on the Meloni “aperturists” odg. Today the vote on Hope

of Giacomo Salvini

Big returns: the Mes di Marco Travaglio

Today I will use this space to fully sympathize with Luigi Marattin. Yes, it is not a typo and not even arteriosclerosis: I mean the Italovivo deputy. That yesterday, speaking in the Chamber on the Recovery, gave me great satisfaction, resuming a campaign that the Fact launched since the birth of the Draghi government: “We want the Mes”. By dint of […]

Vaccines, the post-pandemic report

Pfizer plan: 900% price boom

Big Pharma – Biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca will have a turnover of over $ 35 billion by the end of the year

of Stephen the Virgin
Recovery Plan – In Senato

The parties are agitated. The premier: “If we fail, blow the EU”

Not only the future of Italy is being played out, but also that of Europe and the role of Mario Draghi himself as EU leader, with the PNNR. The premier knows this. On the day of the reply, both in the House and in the Senate, he tries to spur the Parliament. The climate is leaden enough not to bode too well. And he […]

of Wanda Marra
Cingolani’s text

Dl Simplifications: business-friendly ecology (large)

Decree – The draft: from the new (free) “Way” with priority given to Eni & C. to the waste in a Northern League style (power to the Regions). Silent assent triumphs

of Marco Palombi
Bertolaso ​​- The umpteenth unfinished

SuperGuido goes away again: Milan goodbye. Dream about the Capitol

To greetings – For some time out of the radar, leave Lombardy as Sicily and Umbria before. Salvini wants him to be mayor of Rome

of Vincenzo Bisbiglia and Andrea Sparaciari

The 5 Stars bite the brake: “Conte tell us what you will do”

M5s – The knot of the two mandates and the money to be paid in Casaleggio

of Luca De Carolis
Laurito & C. – With Arbore and De Crescenzo by the lawyer

Turtle broth, gaffe and 745 cutlery: lunch with the Lambs

What a class – It’s raining outside, the huskies from the garden jump on the sofa: they don’t get dirty. First you need a cup. “Are we at the coffee already?”

of Marisa Laurito
Burkina Faso

Beriáin, from fake reportage to death among jihadists

Spanish – Acclaimed for his high-risk documentaries, the journalist was killed by an al Qaeda group in Africa. Investigated in Milan for interviews with fake mobsters

of Stefano Citati

Pd and FI in love: the mirage of B. al Colle

Ursula model – The work for a majority without the League and the maneuvers for the Quirinale

of Gianluca Roselli
Home therapies

Home care and medications. Aifa updates the protocol

Indications – Yes to monoclonals, no to cortisone and antibiotics

of Natascia Ronchetti
Swab and mask

Barcelona, ​​the concert test is ok: 5 thousand spectators and zero infections

The public – There was an anti-hygienic and fpp2 obligation

of RQuotidiano
The amendments of the left

“Via the patents”, we vote in the European Parliament

Decisive Socialists – The Left Initiative

of Salvatore Cannavò
The reform

Industry sets the standard. But scholarship money halved

The focus is on Itis and Its – Critical university students

of Virginia Della Sala
Art and tourism

From the Franks of Florence to Italia.it. Scarce and not very “cultural” funds

The “attractors” – Mega projects (Rome is buying up). The digital will be outsourced

of Leonardo Bison
The INPS tables

Citizenship income, the record in Naples: under Vesuvius checks as in the whole North

Numbers are numbers, they cannot be misrepresented. And those contained in the INPS tables on citizenship income tell us that the expenditure for the DRC in March in Naples is close to that of the whole North. About 157,000 families received the income or citizenship pension for 459,000 people involved in the complex. […]

of VIII. Lur.
Maneuvers in Sicily

Pd, M5s and FI: evidence of broad agreements on the island

A center of gravity with such a wide range of action as to incorporate Pd, Movimento 5 Stelle and a piece of Forza Italia. What seems political fiction is actually a scenario that many in Sicily would like. Thus the island, a laboratory of alliances by tradition, lays the foundations for the 2022 Regionals. Common goal of the camp […]

of Dario De Luca
He was born on April 28, 1971

Manifesto: 50 years always looking for another left

The poster turns 50 today and is a piece of history of journalism and politics that celebrates its birthday. The “communist” newspaper was in fact born on April 28, 1971 at the price of 50 lire and with only four pages which, wrote Luigi Pintor, the first director, “from today they are no longer an idea but a […]

of Sal. Can.
Palestinians at the polls

Abu Mazen, the crazy idea: no elections because of Israel’s “fault”

The Fatah leader fears defeat and puts forward the difficulties of East Jerusalem residents

of Roberta Zunini

Rama is forever: a kingdom in the name of the Union plan

Polls closed – Premier for the third time

of Giampiero Gramaglia
Golden sunrise in Greece

The former MEP loses immunity and ends up in prison

“I am in a Belgian police car. Thieves, atheists and anti-Greeks send me to prison. I remain faithful to Christ and to Greece. I am proud that I have never folded. Long live Greece, long live Orthodoxy “. So Ioannis Lagos, 48, MEP, among the leaders of the neo-Nazi group Golden Dawn, told his supporters […]

of Valerio Cattano
The preview – “Sisters in arms”, feminist warriors

Save Private Jane. From amazons to snipers

World War I – Dorothy Lawrence wears a men’s uniform and calls herself Danis Smith: this is how she reaches the western front

of Michela AG Iaccarino
The interview

“I hate writers who are always on the right side”

Walter Siti – The Strega prize signs a collection of essays “Against commitment” and the “reassuring of good” literature

of Camilla Tagliabue

“Without freedom, journalism dies”: Bassini returns to fiction

On the shelf – The latest work of the writer-chronicler

of Massimo Novelli

The article on newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of 28 April: comes from Il Fatto Quotidiano.

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