On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of 28 September: Droga e malaffare. Morisi, the league’s social guru, is under investigation for “sale”

by time news

Via Bellerio

“Here it all comes down now”: the drama of the former Captain’s magic circle

Loyal – The secretary left without men

School illusion without dad: airplane model or not?

Quarantine and education – Effects of Covid


Striking Michetti & Meloni: the split vote of Lega and FI

Capital challenge – Giorgetti flatters Calenda: for weeks leaguers and Azzurri have ditched the tribunal lawyer wanted by FdI


“We were forced”: the 5 ex do not apologize

Candidates – Signed by the notary for Marino’s fall, now Gualtieri puts them back on the list

Mori’s “dark side”: Giusva’s 14 photos and the P2 of good people

The general who “does not know” / 1. Before the Negotiation

The anticipation

Natangelo, from the epic of B. to the miniskirts of the Boschi

A book between satire and censorship

Germany After the vote

Scholz is tempted by the “traffic light” coalition, the CDU is waiting for the flop

Until you fall, I don’t start running. Armin Laschet after a night of reflection yesterday turned to Olaf Scholz, without admitting defeat, but giving the Social Democrat the chance to be the first to make a mistake. Not that it was the Conservative candidate’s responsibility to give permission to form government to the opponent. The distance between the […]

League – Mr. beast under investigation

Drugs, Salvini is with the “guru”. Then run away from the questions

Suddenly, Matteo Salvini has lost his usual talkativeness. A few hours after the news that Luca Morisi, the Lega’s social guru and the secretary’s right-hand man, is under investigation for the sale of drugs to some children, Salvini sketches an official defense via social media. But in his Milan, where he arrives in the evening for the candidate’s rally […]


Drugs are an ugly Beast: the social sermons of the Northern League

Salvini and Morisi – “Handcuffs”, “Forced labor”, “Doubling of penalties” for those who deal

Consip – The indictment

Renzi sr. on trial: “Influence trafficking on the 2.7 billion tender”

The trial of Tiziano Renzi will begin on November 16: yesterday the father of the former premier was indicted by the gup Annalisa Marzano as part of one of the strands of the Consip investigation. Trafficking of illicit influences on the FM4 race is the charge against which Tiziano Renzi will have to defend himself, who, however, has been acquitted for another three […]

Rome – The investigation

Five years later, the investigation took place slowly and the embarrassing silence of the press

The prosecutor had asked for the filing, but the most relevant offense remains standing


Former Ilva, Enrico Laghi arrested “He directed the Public Prosecutor of Taranto”

Accusation: “The former commissioner bribed the prosecutor Capristo”

The investigation

“The magistrate put there by the Renzi government to solve the problem”

The suspect Amara: “The link was De Vincenti”. The investigating judge: “usable and conclusive” version


Fundamental vaccines, but there is also more

Anyone who distracts attention from the vaccine, even for an instant, risks criticism, recall from the Orders to which they belong. Colleagues advise you not to expose yourself, even if, with a carbonaro attitude, they tell you that they are on your side, but they are careful not to talk. It goes without saying that you believe in the obvious efficacy of vaccines, but that you are also a doctor […]

Fight for control

Generals, slap in Caltagirone-Del Vecchio. The board splits, but votes for the pro-Donnet list

The clash over the future of Generali at this point, barring surprises, is destined to find its epilogue at the shareholders’ meeting that will have to elect the new Board of Directors in the spring. Yesterday the board split and only a majority gave the green light to the presentation of its own list for renewal […]

After no vax campaigns

Degrees removed from former general Pappalardo

No longer general of the Arma, only Antonio Pappalardo. Yesterday, the Palermo founder of the Orange Vests was notified of an administrative measure for the loss of the rank due to removal from the Ministry of Defense. Pappalardo, 75, would have been “degraded” for having violated the duties relating to the oath taken and created dishonor to the armed forces. The answer is not yes […]

Rome, nas inspections

Covid, three restaurants near palaces of power sanctioned

The political map at the table under the lens of the Nas. There are at least three Roman restaurants within the “triangle of power” between Palazzo Montecitorio, Palazzo Madama and Palazzo Chigi sanctioned by the carabinieri of the Anti-Sophistication Unit of Rome for non-compliance with anti Covid regulations. Among these the best known is “Maccheroni” in the square […]

The Piepoli survey

Smart working: makes work more flexible and modern, despite the Brunetta-thought

On October 15, 3.2 million state workers will return to work in the presence. This was demanded by the Minister of the Public Service, Renato Brunetta, according to whom smart working in the public administration is an “Italian-style home work” that “has not guaranteed essential public services”. That work from home, or at least not in […]

Anger of the workers

Alitalia, today a new garrison in Rome. “Ita is above the law”

The protests of Alitalia workers do not stop. After last Friday’s strike day with two thousand demonstrators who blocked the Rome-Fiumicino motorway following the breakdown in recent days of the negotiation with Ita on the contract and on layoffs, a new demonstration was called for today in Piazza Santi Apostoli in Rome, […]

Court of Auditors

Rdc, the sofa has nothing to do with it: few offers from companies

In six months, 29 thousand job offers

He folder

The cynicism of Confindustria and the unions: the minimum wage is not just their business

5 million under 9 euros – Already today many ccnl have starvation minimums. The EU wants to go beyond the ’93 model

And the debate in Europe on budgetary constraints is frozen until 2022

With the end of the Merkel era, the driver of the “locomotive of Europe” will change. The result of the German elections, however, does not give us clear indications as to who will lead Germany and therefore where the debate on European rules will go. Historically, at least since the birth of the single currency, Germany has mainly driven processes in Europe […]

The character

Lindner wants finance: without him everything stops

Commenting on the outcome of the vote, which gave him a very small majority clearly below 51%, the candidate for chancellor of the Social Democratic party, Olaf Scholz, declared: “Our task now is to do what the citizens want. Do not prioritize our needs but form a good government that leads us towards the […]

It was my father: Pino Daniele. “Rebel with the record companies”

On display – Artist memorabilia, from mandolin to diaries

The old men of rock

Once a drummer dies, another is made: the Stones tour

Jagger and associates returned to perform, flirting with the Beatles for a historic meeting. Last night tributes to Watts on stage after the escape from the funeral

Investigation of Angelica, the “beauty” of Catai who gave the two of spades to Orlando Furioso

The novel – Macioce’s narrative debut

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