On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of 8 October: Mancini and Vialli offshore: all shut up. Pandora papers

by time news

“Tight deadlines”

Parties in check: and now comes the Competition bill

The ok by October

Center left

Conte: “M5S never branch of the Olive” No to the Democratic Party also from the “dwarf” Calenda

The Giallorosa after the vote. The “broad” coalition. The former premier rejects the dem project with everyone inside. The frond grows 5S to close with Letta & C.


Foreigners and exploited. In museums for 4 euros to be “vigilantes”

The Civics. Low wages: no one stays

Whistleblowing al contrario

Big Brother Ilva: “Report those who speak ill of the company”

Workers. Watch out for safety complaints

In the chair in Pavia

Mancini teaches that state secret that saved him twice

The lecture on state secret held yesterday by Marco Mancini at the University of Pavia was paradoxical. Speaking of rope in the house of the hanged man, the former secret agent Mancini cited institutions, codes, articles and paragraphs, without ever making any explicit reference to the kidnapping for which he was sentenced to 9 years by a Court of Appeal, for […]

The interview

“Did they want to kill us? Daughter in the Region and nephew deputy “

Pino Gentile. Keeps family


From Leopardi to Chopin: homosexuals between the lines

Franco Buffoni reconstructs the secret lives of artists and reveals censures, falsehoods and omissions to conceal their nature. Which often disguised within the works of art

Allies. Vademecum of yesteryear

Gad, Fed, Artemide and Unione: how many infinite ways to tafazzism

First warning. Enrico Letta does not underestimate the number of government posts in the vademecum for the Nuovo Ulivo that joyfully assembles Pd, M5S, Italia Viva, the calendismo di Azione, Article 1, + Europe and the Democratic Center of Bruno Tabacci, the PSI and the Maie, probably the hard reformists of Marco Bentivogli (Base Italia) e […]

The interview

“I know Gualtieri well, in Rome I would vote for him”

Castaldo (5 stars)

Face to face

Truce between Lega and Draghi: Salvini “replaces” Giorgetti in the government

The leader of the Northern League makes it clear that he is in charge and will see the prime minister once a week for the agenda

European Union

Angela über alles: no relay with SuperMario

“Italy will certainly not replace Germany and Germany will remain Germany, it will not be replaced. We are a great economy, the largest in the EU ”. If anyone expected some sort of handover to Mario Draghi at the helm of Europe by Angela Merkel, the words of the Chancellor make it clear that this is not the case. Despite the […]


FdI warns La7 to broadcast videos on Fidanza Meloni: “Killer”

Giorgia Meloni remains in the trenches. The leader of the Brothers of Italy refused to participate yesterday in Piazzapulita, where Corrado Formigli had invited her to discuss the Fanpage investigation on the alleged black funds to the party and on the proximity of Carlo Fidanza and his other exponents to the fascist associations . And not only that: Fidanza himself, through his own […]

The investigation

The 7 million dollar plane and the companies in the tax-free archipelago

The scoop of espresso. In the British Virgin Islands: tax advantages and request for a “shield”

Prosecutor Brescia

Eni-Nigeria and Amara cases: investigations on judges De Pasquale, Storari and Davigo closed

The Brescia Public Prosecutor’s Office closed the investigation on the deputy prosecutor of Milan, Fabio De Pasquale, and the prosecutor, Sergio Spadaro. The accusation is of refusal of official documents and concerns the role that the former Eni executive, Vincenzo Armanna, played – and still plays on appeal – in the Eni Nigeria trial, in which he is held in […]

Seal in Cassation

Martina Rossi died to escape rape

Martina Rossi did not die from an accidental fall, but in an attempt to escape a rape. An attempt of sexual violence for which the Supreme Court yesterday sentenced Alessandro Albertoni and Luca Vanneschi, two contemporaries of Arezzo who have just met, to three years. The facts date back to August 3, 2011, in Palma de Mallorca, where […]

Fuortes’ decisions

Rai, 4 female appointments, only one “important”

Batch of new appointments in Rai, the CEO Carlo Fuortes who yesterday indicated 4 men and 4 women, after the controversy over the first all-male session, even if the only real direction for women is that of Paola Sciommeri at the helm of the production tv, a place of great responsibility and power. For the others it is […]

University for foreigners

Siena: Montanari arrives, anti-fascist rector. And the Salvinian mayor deserted the ceremony

The rector of the University for Foreigners is proudly anti-fascist and, as a first official act, intends to name 12 classrooms after the same number of teachers who in 1931 refused to swear allegiance to fascism (unlike over 1,200 of their colleagues). So what does the mayor do? The inauguration ceremony of the academic year, scheduled for today, is deserted. Well yes, […]


Investigation of Di Donna. The meeting with 007 embarrasses the government

Agent Tedeschi (not investigated) is in danger of being moved

The United Nations report

Jobs, the UN condemns us: “Unacceptable conditions”

From Prato to the Val d’Agri. Few rights, security and controls. “It is intolerable for a country of G7

Scenario post-voto

Confindustria & C. they do the funeral at the minimum wage (hanging in the EU)

The pretext is the bad result of the 5 Star Movement for the Administratives. Confindustria, usually backed by the center-right, wants to take advantage of it to have the funeral at the (never born) minimum wage. Yesterday Il Sole 24 Ore, the newspaper of the industrialists, foreshadowed the end of any possibility of introducing the minimum hourly wage, also hosting a […]


Politkovskaya: case closed for 15 years without principals

The anniversary of the journalist’s murder falls on the day the investigation is prescribed. Colleagues: “Reopen it”


Laschet ready to leave the CDU. Scholz proceeds with the government

Armin Laschet is ready to leave the leadership of the Conservative party. Since the elections twelve days ago, the CDU leader has been under heavy attacks from inside the party. On September 26, the Union collected 25% of the votes, the worst result ever. Laschet repeats from election night to be able to train […]

Literature Award

Here is Abdulrakaz Gurnah: “Me Nobel? It’s a joke?”

That the Nobel Prize for Literature goes to a semi-unknown is no longer a novelty: the Swedish Academy has now accustomed us to being blown away and out of our comfortable comfort zone of known writers (to us). And so yesterday he awarded the prize to a Tanzanian writer with an unpronounceable name, Abdulrazak Gurnah, “for […]

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