On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of December 15: Salvati Renzi & Cesaro. M5S attempts suicide

by time news

Natal cervix virus

Dragons: emergency until March, no outdoor masks. Giorgetti takes off

Government decisions – Swabs for those arriving from abroad and quarantine in case of unvaccinated: the European Union protests

From now

Obligated in 3 million. But the controls are always optional

Vaccines in lab coats, uniforms, school – Uncertainty reigns over the methods of testing. Among the profs: 60 thousand still without booster; 50 thousand in the police

The collapse of the bridge

Morandi, the former CEO dismantles the Benetton defense

The interrogation – Gianni Mion, historian n. 1 of the family holding: “They knew that the viaduct had a constructive defect”. But Autostrade has always denied it


Silvio runs away from Vespa, the Lega disavows Salvini

Chaos – Matteo’s flop consultations

Conflict of interest

The No Tav accuse: “Telt paid Lo Russo 130 thousand euros for a search on the tunnel”

They waited for the eve of December 15, today, the day when the City of Turin officially returns to the institutions that support the Turin-Lyon Tav. So yesterday the No Tav movement spread the news: the current mayor of the Piedmontese capital, the dem Stefano Lo Russo, in his capacity as professor of Geology of the […]

On La7

“Dear Zoro, take care of your boy”: Makkox copied Drawings

The cartoonist has plagiarized the character – and the jokes – of Turborenzi, who has appeared in the “Fact” since 2013. Our cartoonist: “I know rascals: your ‘dad’ is more careful”


Presidential: Hidalgo, the isolated leftist candidate in pieces

While the right chases Macron, the mayor of Paris trudges. The flop is feared and the socialists are thinking of Taubira’s return


And the Regions think about the penalty line: no events in the square

It will be a New Year’s Eve again with empty squares. Two weeks before December 31st, in fact, the orientation of mayors and governors to cancel events and parties in an attempt to avoid dangerous gatherings on New Year’s Eve seems to be consolidating. The numbers of rapidly rising infections, the unknown factor of the Omicron variant, make the spectrum of the […]

Calenda & c.

The minor drakes: “Mario is intensely striking”

Love Words – “The Metaleader”, “Global Guide”, “The Best”

Five stars

Now the lawyer hopes for an encore from Mattarella and opens to the Democratic Party

For the lawyer who wants to emerge unscathed from the Quirinal’s secret vote, the best solution would be to leave everyone where they are: Mario Draghi at Palazzo Chigi and Sergio Mattarella at Colle. This is, at least for now, the line of Giuseppe Conte a month or so after the opening of the polls. So he repeats in the talks of these hours, […]

Berlusconi at the Quirinale? No thank you

12 amnesties, flop at the Consulta and filthy Maccanico-Schifani

Thirteenth episode. Factory of impunity – B. heals his evasions: for 155 million he pays 1,800. No legitimate suspicion, but the center-left offers an ‘award’


Iv, here is back to help the dentists (including “Mister” Boschi)

Italia Viva tries again. After the failed attempt at the end of 2020, the Renzians presented an amendment to the maneuver to allow dentists to perform small cosmetic operations on the face as well. A theme that seems to be very close to Iv’s heart – given the insistence – and that had already once caused controversy for […]

Hearing today

Aspi tries again: it no longer wants to pay the damages

Compensation for families – It will be decided who will pay the allowance. The company does not want to be responsible

Why strike

Layoffs, temporary workers and public administration: the right has won at work

Schiaffi to Cgil & C. (and not only)

The measure

The government doesn’t put any more money on the bills

The sting – 3.8 billion confirmed against the maxi price increases. Assumptions in installments for companies

Palamara scandal

The Cassation aligns itself with the Council of State: the appointment of Prestipino in Rome canceled

The Supreme Court puts an end to the appeals of Michele Prestipino against the cancellation of his appointment as prosecutor of Rome by the Council of State. In his place will come Franco Lo Voi, prosecutor of Palermo. Prestipino’s appeal was rejected because the Council of State “did not cross the border of its own […]

Scandal in Piedmont

Reimbursement, 1 year and 7 months in Cota and Montaruli

One year and seven months of imprisonment for the former Northern League governor of Piedmont Roberto Cota, the same sentence decided for the parliamentarian of FdI Augusta Montaruli. This is the ruling of the Turin Court of Appeal regarding the “reimbursement” scandal of the former Piedmont regional councilors. The accusation concerns some improper expenses of funds destined to the operation of the […]

Possible breakthrough

David Rossi, Genoa prosecutor towards a new investigation

Aiding and abetting, omission of official documents and forgery. These are the crimes that could be hypothesized by the Genoa Public Prosecutor’s Office when it receives the documents from the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the death of the head of communication of MPS, David Rossi, which took place in March 2013 in Siena. Pierantonio Zanettin, president of the commission, had announced the sending of the documents to the Genoese magistrates, […]

Lombard scandal

Lfc, the Prosecutor’s Office is asking for 5 years for Barachetti

The Milan prosecutor Stefano Civardi asked for a sentence of 5 years in prison for the entrepreneur Francesco Barachetti, accused of embezzlement and false invoices for the affair of the sale of the Cormano warehouse purchased by the Lombardia Film Commission between 2017 and 2018, with which would have been drained of 800 thousand euros of funds […]

Even a musket

Corruption Army, “gifts” seized

There was a musket, a Treccani encyclopedia and various military gadgets – including a Navy jacket – among the objects seized yesterday by the Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office, in the Biella home of Eugenio Guzzi and Rosa Loviero, the entrepreneurs spouses, under investigation for corruption with the former Chief of Staff, Enzo Vecciarelli (in the photo). For the […]

“Farce” examination

Suarez case, the FIGC prosecutor closes the investigation

The football federation prosecutor has dismissed the case of Luis Suárez and his Italian exam at the University of Perugia. The FIGC announces it with a note: “From the documentation received from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Perugia, in fact, insufficient elements have emerged to believe that there has been evidence of unlawful conduct relevant to the federal sports system of managers or […]

Sentence of appeal

Ivo Caizzi reinstated to Corriere della Sera

Ivo Caizzi, correspondent and correspondent from Brussels, was reinstated to Corriere della Sera by the judges of the Labor section of the Milan Court of Appeal. According to the ruling, his dismissal is ineffective and RCS must readmit him to service, in addition to paying him the salaries accrued “by virtue of the never-interrupted employment relationship”. Caizzi had been […]

Thirty years ago

Who still shoots on Clean Hands

The scams – From the American “coup” to raze the First Republic to the image of the “clash” between the judiciary and politics: the old paraphernalia comes back to the surface, to the delight of someone …


Benalla back in court for money taken from a Russian oligarch

Still trouble with justice for Alexandre Benalla. Emmanuel Macron’s former monsieur Securité was placed in custody yesterday, together with his wife, as part of the investigation into corruption, money laundering and tax fraud known as “Russian contracts”. Nothing to do therefore with the violence of May 1st 2018 and the illegal use of passports […]

United States

Fox News warned Trump: “Capitol Hill is a ruin”

Attack on Congress – Commission investigating violence reveals chats: Donald Jr. and TV stars asked the tycoon-president to curb his ultras


Opposition leader Tikhanovsky sentenced to 18 years in prison

The Gomel court sentenced blogger Serghey Tikhanovsky, husband of the now more famous opponent Svetlana, at the end of a closed-door trial, which lasted 173 days, which took place inside the detention facility where he has been a prisoner since he was arrested in May 2020. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison […]


Quite another libertine: Tondelli

Literary trip to Emilia – The author died 30 years ago of AIDS

Words and notes

Lulu, the dog and the killer Valerie: the “muses” who inspired jazz

The curious essay of Masala, illustrated by Pasini

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