On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano of December 6: SuperPass, the hole of the hotels. Regions in retreat on controls

by time news

He report

Eucap in Niger: “security” to justify waste

The Union and the mission in the Sahel. 241 million euros from 2012. The activity parallels the French Barkane plan: European officials trained 19,000 agents to fight clans and illegal immigration. But some pupils attended the courses six times in a row

In Rome 1 in January

Conte, 5S team ready and temptation to apply

Giuseppe Conte is seriously thinking about accepting the candidacy for the Rome 1 seat (the one left free by Roberto Gualtieri) for a seat as a deputy. Everyone is asking him to run to enter Parliament, from the big names of the Movement to those of the Democratic Party. The decision has not yet been made, but it could come in the next few years […]

Tonight at Report

Not only Juve: half Serie A risks default

The striking cases under the lens of the Prosecutor’s Office are those where the cross exchanges between two companies allowed both of them to show capital gains in the balance sheet, without however passing any money. The sensational case, says Report, is that between Juve and Genoa last January, with Nicolò Rovella passing from Genoa to […]

Delusional news

Do you know the latest?

Silicone vaccines, wild boar shots, feline businesses, serial arrests, special merchandise changes, Beautiful and Giannis vs Gianni weddings

The great reporter

Farewell to Volcic, the Central European who told about the USSR and Tsar Putin

Demetrio Volcic was an honest man and a great journalist, from a school now on the verge of extinction: competent, measured, rigorous, ironic, highly educated. He died in Gorizia yesterday morning. He was born in Ljubljana ninety years ago, mother from Gorizia, father from Trieste: “I am a child of Central Europe”, he once told me in Vienna, one of his many professional contacts, “not […]

Other places

Israel. Tel Aviv, how much it costs me: living there is now a luxury

Tel Aviv is the most expensive city in the world to live in, at least in 2021. Rising inflation has raised the cost of living globally in the Israeli coastal city, and prices – all prices – in the “Miami of the Mediterranean “Shot up, burning all records. The city has climbed five […]

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