On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano on December 16: Draghi: “We are the best”. But the data gets worse

by time news

Augusta (Syracuse)

The experts on prof. 55 years old: “Died for AstraZeneca”

Music teacher Augusta Turiaco died due to inoculation of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The “causal relationship between death and administration” is certified by the report of the three specialists, appointed by the Messina Public Prosecutor’s Office in the investigation into the death of the 55-year-old teacher, who passed away on March 30 from a brain hemorrhage caused by a thrombosis. For the moment […]


The Junta of impunity: here are those saved by the Caste

Matteo, Giggino and the others. All the suspects miraculously miraculoused by Parliament in this legislature: Ferri di Iv, the Northern League supporters Siri and Marti, Siclari and Sozzani di BE, the centrist Giovanardi …

Interview – Domenico De Masi

“Sacrosanct protest. The bosses won, Pd & C. inadequate “

He had already dueled openly with the minister Renato Brunetta as soon as he decided to end the era of smart working. “We must value human capital” the thesis of the Berlusconian colonel; “With smart working we work better and we work more” the answer of Domenico De Masi. Yesterday the clash took place […]

The Sherpa

Verdini advisors of his son-in-law Salvini: how to burn Silvio to throw Pera

Double game – Denis reassures the leader Fi, but acts as a trait d’union between the two Matteo for the philosopher

The investigation

The Sixth System still exists. It is signed Sardone-Di Stefano

The mayor and his wife financed by the big cement companies

Green transition

Nuclear: lobbies unleashed, but Sogin steals data

The conference – Undersecretary Gava also takes sides after Cingolani. Hacker attack on the company that manages the waste, which nobody wants


Dresden connection: the pact against Berlin between neo-Nazis and No vax

In Saxony, an anti-vaccine group wanted to kill the premier. The far right wants to take over the fringe

The interview

“There was a lack of elements to decide, in the 5S classroom against Renzi and Cesaro”

Maria Domenica Castellone – 5Stelle

The Caiman

The joke of B. “patriot”: “Pacify and not demonize”

On with the campaign for the Quirinale

Berlusconi at the Quirinale? No thank you

The “award”, the “kapò”, Telekom and B. “more equal than the others”

Fourteenth episode. World shame – Maccanico & Schifani freeze the Prime Minister’s trials, he ridicules us in the EU Parliament and saves Rete 4


Under 12: only Lazio and Lombardy over 10% of bookings

The campaign at the start remains timid


The CEO of Moderna: “It takes at least 10 years to see the adverse effects”

“If you want perfect scientific data on safety over 10 years, you have to wait 10 years”, the words of Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna are clear, “we have taken many financial risks, we would never have done it for a traditional vaccine. “. The flow of vaccine data is continuous, the technology is new and not there […]

Open investigation

Renzi does not respond to the prosecutors, on the contrary he attacks them: “Constitution violated”

Florence – Yesterday the former prime minister in the Prosecutor’s Office: a 5-page report was filed

The interview – Carlo Bartoli

“Presumption of innocence: abnormal law that cancels news”

President of the Order of Journalists

Diamond scam

Bank of Italy, whistleblower risks the job

After “report” – Tomorrow the decision on inspector Bertini who denounced the scandal in MPS

Collapse of the Morandi

Ponte, Aspi and Spea civil responsible. “Salvi” Mit and Anas

Autostrade per l’Italia and Spea Engineering will be civilly liable in the criminal trial for the deaths of the Morandi Bridge. In other words, in the event of a conviction they could be called upon to compensate the victims who constituted themselves in the trial and the damaged parties. This was decided yesterday by the judge for the preliminary hearing Paola Faggioni. The two […]

After the Stresa tragedy

Mottarone cableway, concession revoked

The municipality of Stresa has revoked the concession of the cableway to Luigi Nerini’s company Funivie del Mottarone. The businessman is one of the suspects for the disaster that caused 14 deaths on 23 May. Today in Verbania the hearing of the evidentiary incident on the breaking of the cable of the plant is set. A postponement is attested: the board of experts […]

Bisceglia heard by the investigating judge

Caporalato, Lamorgese: “Di Bari not involved”

An hour and a half lasted the guarantee interrogation of Rosalba Livrerio Bisceglia, the agricultural entrepreneur wife of the former head of the Civil Liberties and Immigration Department of the Interior Ministry, Michele di Bari, investigated in the investigation into caporalato which on 10 December led to the arrest of 5 people. The woman, subject to the obligation to sign, appeared with 8 others […]


On the run for 2 years: I took the American Turi and the Wolf

In a few days they would have been on the run for two years. The escape of Salvatore Morelli known as “Turi the American” and Domenico Tomaino alias “the Wolf” ended on the evening of December 14 when the carabinieri of the provincial command of Vibo Valentia surprised them in Briatico while they were having dinner in a mass house. available […]

Fact checking

How many lies sull’Ipef to sabotage the mobilization

Who earns it?

General strike

“Everyone in the square: there is also a wage and social pandemic around”

The five manifestations


The fictitious hires to get the expectation: CISL executives under investigation

The Inquiry – Fake Contracts to Save Contributions

Maxi price increases

Bills, Draghi opens: “Taxing the big names”. The stop at the protected market has been postponed

Funds Are Not Enough – Stellar Profits. Spain already does this

The Rai of the best

Tg1, Goracci assaulted and Maggioni double face: the Italian no-vax do not speak, the Romanian ones do

The case of the RAI journalist, Lucia Goracci, beaten up in Romania by a no-vax senator while working on a service for Tg1, caused a sensation. A misadventure for which Goracci yesterday morning received words of solidarity also from the President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati. What screeches in this story, however, is an entirely internal contradiction […]

Beaten Forlenza

Patroni Griffi elected judge of the Council

The President of the Council of State Filippo Patroni Griffi was elected judge of the Constitutional Court. He will take over, at Palazzo della Consulta, from the current president Giancarlo Coraggio, who will leave the Court in January at the end of his 9-year mandate. Come on, he is also former president of the Council of State. Patroni Griffi was elected yesterday after the […]

Ingroia on via d’Amelio

“Boss to Borsellino: ‘State complicity, watch your back'”

“Paolo Borsellino went to the Ministry of the Interior in Rome on 1 July 1992 and reported that with an excuse he was taken to a room where he met Bruno Contrada. The latter was aware of the beginning of the collaboration of Gaspare Mutolo. Borsellino perceived this as a worrying signal. He thought someone from the ministry wanted to let him know that […]

The complaint

Venice Historical Regatta, Brugnaro does it again: higher prizes to male athletes than to women

“Is it inconsistent for a mayor who first promises publicly and then doesn’t keep? Luigi Brugnaro had guaranteed gender equality in the awarding of prizes for the Venice Historical Regatta after the controversy over discrimination in past editions. Here is the total of the prizes awarded for the last event by Vela Spa, a subsidiary of the Municipality of Venice: […]

The initiative

Barca and Brunori are the VIP guests of the Arminius Buccino Festival

Between art and territory. Fabrizio Barca and Dario Brunori (aka Brunori Sas) will be the main guests of the two days at the Buccino Volcei Festival, in the province of Salerno, on 17 and 18 December. The first day will see the artistic director, Franco Arminio, meet the former minister to face a “conversation with the mayors of the area”. There […]

Delusions of great life

What kind of narcissist are you?

Three models – Literature distinguishes: the grandiose, the vulnerable, the evil. However, contrary to the widespread stereotypes about this disorder, these are people who are so fascinating, but who hide unexpressed suffering.


Justice doesn’t work. But Macron shrugs

Magistrates in the square – Reduced staff compared to the files to be handled, insufficient budget. Solidarity also from the judges of the Bataclan massacre trial

The summit

Putin, Jinping and the common enemy

Russia and China – The two leaders support each other to face the challenges with the United States


Sakharov Prize to Navalny, daughter dreams of Russia in the EU

Ceremony at the European Parliament for the delivery of the Sakharov 2021 prize, aimed at those who support freedom of thought. The award was given to Alexej Navalny, the Russian opponent who is serving a sentence in a detention center. The award was received by his daughter Daria Navalnaya: “Despite all the difficulties that the EU has and […]

Little Steven

“Me, the Boss and the Elvis-house wall”

“For now, no live shows in 2022” – “San Siro? Rock temple “

No Way Home

“Spider-Man”, the great cinema is prey to the spider

Based on comics by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, the third installment of the trilogy is by far the best: perfect cast and captivating story


Lillo and Greg in front of the “mirror”: from the bar to the Zelig stage, this is how it all began

Biography is out (unauthorized)

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