On newsstands on the Fatto Quotidiano on October 16: Green pass effect: more tests and fake patients. Monday is trouble

by time news

The interview. Massimo Cacciari

“Too many forcing: those who trivialize dissent are wrong”

“Was there really a need for the government to exacerbate the situation so much?” Massimo Cacciari, philosopher and former mayor of Venice, asks this, observing the protests of workers against the obligation of the Green pass. Protests which, however, the professor warns, the media have culpably trivialized for days, reducing them to mere neo-fascist claims, underestimating their contents. Professor Cacciari, […]

The refinancing

Clash on the Income, skip the Lega-Iv blitz: +200 mln

From this to this in less than eight hours: yesterday the high intensity of the clash of the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, on the refinancing of citizenship income lasted so long. At 8.55 in the morning, referring to the discussion that would take place in the Council of Ministers shortly thereafter, he had flaunted hard and pure intransigence: “Refinance […]

The interview. Goffredo Bettini

“Conte and m5s are decisive to beat the right”

Ballotings. The theorist dem of the Giallorossi alliance does not rule out the vote in 2022: “Let’s get ready”

Sentence of appeal

Cpl: zero corrupt in Naples, punished instigators in Bologna

The innocent regardless, those convinced that the investigations of Woodcock & C. if they were a hole in the water of the sea of ​​Ischia, only good at making media hype and ending political careers, they will have to deal with it: crimes were committed around the Cpl methanization of the green bell island. Crimes that have not been canceled by the acquittal in Naples (which became in […]

Court of Auditors

Galan does not pay for Mose: he owes 5.2 million, gave 1,800

Years have passed since the sentence to compensate the damage to the image of the Veneto Region, but so far the Court of Auditors has only managed to recover the crumbs: about 1,800 euros compared to a 5.2 million euros bill presented to the former governor , Giancarlo Galan, for his involvement in the investigation into the bribes related to the implementation of the […]

Dean of the Tories

The conservative-type stabbed to death in front of his fans

David Amess, pro Brexit, sat in the municipalities for 38 years: the killer of Somali origins, investigates Counterterrorism

The Film to see

“L’Arminuta”, from Campiello to the long shot

L’Arminuta by Giuseppe Bonito


Protest without losers or winners: the dockers lay down their arms

5 thousand took to the streets

COVID-19. Vaccines

“The first doses on the rise”. The last hoax of Figliuolo

The commissioner rejoices: “Green pass effect, + 34% compared to the beginning of the week”. But the only real rush is that of the tampon

Rome, Circus Maximus

The flowers without the blows: the No Vax people wear good clothes

The No Green Pass movement is redoing its makeup, renouncing the violence of Forza Nuova and replacing police posts with flowers donated to agents. The Circus Maximus event runs off without clashes, but only a thousand people gather in front of the stage (even if the organizers announce 10 […]

End of stroke

Michetti does not fly, Meloni “expelled” from the Jewish Ghetto

Last day. Tomorrow Rome at the polls

Sometimes they come back

Pope convicted: 4 and a half years

Former deputy pdl. The accusation: Favors from the entrepreneur close to the Camorra

Fico: “let’s move on”

The Regeni case, another letter of request. Gup audience by January

Another letters rogatory in Egypt. Hoping that this time Cairo will cooperate. Italy must find a way to notify the four Egyptian 007s accused of torturing and killing Giulio Regeni of the election of domicile. Within 20 days, all the documents of the suspended trial in Rome, about 15 folders, will be returned to judge Pierluigi Balestrieri who will have to fix a […]

According to the prosecutor Fava

Palamara will go to trial: “He revealed news to reporters”

Luca Palamara, already disqualified from the judiciary for the nomination scandal and sent to trial in Perugia for corruption, yesterday was partly acquitted and partly sent back to trial, on January 19, for one of the Perugian strands that involved the disclosure of secrecy . Palamara was acquitted of the charge of revelation in competition […]

Court of Milan

Rider, there is the first conviction for corporal crime. Fattorini and CGIL compensated with 440 thousand euros

The trial of Giuseppe Moltini, accused of exploitation of the group of 44 messengers, composed mainly of migrants and asylum seekers, who made deliveries on behalf of Uber through two brokerage companies of which the man was responsible. This is the first criminal conviction for […]

Victim was 25 years old

He died on the highway. The father in Cartabia: ‘No to absolution’

Roberto Cantini, father of Carolina, who died at 25 on 19 October 2013 while traveling in the car driven by her boyfriend who lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the guardrail along the Florence-Pisa-Livorno, wrote a letter to the Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia, against the decision of the General Prosecutor of Florence […]

The husband’s non-profit organization

The candidate in Rome and the link with Castellino. Giorgia Meloni: “I have already asked for clarification”

Giorgia Meloni asked the Provincial Federation of Brothers of Italy for clarification after what was revealed by the Facts on Valentina Torresi, a candidate for the XIV Municipality of Rome. Yesterday we told the link between a non-profit organization of Torresi’s husband and L’Italia monthly, the magazine published by a company of which Giuliano Castellino is a director. This is the […]

One of the 4 arrested speaks

British kidnapped, “Invention for money”

A staging, a fake kidnapping to get 7 thousand euros needed to pay a debt: this is the version of the facts provided to the investigating judge of the Macerata Court by one of the four young people who allegedly staged the kidnapping of Patrick Sam Kourosh Demilecamps, 25 years old of English origin ” freed ”on 13 October in Monte San Giusto, in […]

Widow of the marine boss

Tina Rispoli, TV star investigated for the Camorra

There is also Tina Rispoli, the widow of the boss Gaetano Marino and today the wife of the neo-melodic Tony Colombo, among the suspects for a Camorra association of an operation by the Dda of Naples that hit members of the Marino di Scampia clan. For Ms. Rispoli, a celebrity of the mainstream television, the request for arrest was rejected. It is indicated […]

Cassation bowls appeal

He stopped the Saint at the Riina house, a condemned friar

The appeal of Leoluca Grizzaffi, the brother who on May 29, 2016 stopped the procession of San Giovanni Evangelista in front of the Riina family’s house, in Corleone, rejected by the Cassation. The Third Criminal Section of the Supreme Court rejected Grizzaffi’s appeal that the Palermo Court of Appeal had condemned because during the […]

6,800 evacuees

Canary Islands, the volcano “overflows”. Over 732 hectares covered by lava

A “real tsunami” of incandescent lava flowing at “impressive speed” from the crater of the erupting volcano in La Palma (Canary Islands): this is what a video published on social media by the Institute of Volcanology of the Spanish archipelago (Involcan) shows. The images collected on Thursday show the consequences of an “overflow” of the volcano’s crater, which occurred a few hours earlier, according to Involcan. Being […]

The process

Morandi, the ministry in the classroom against itself but not against Aspi

Genoa. Agreement between Autostrade and Mit to close the procedure opened after the 2018 disaster

The interview

“Safety at work: the decree is good, but this is only a half step”

Alessandro Genovesi. Secretary of the construction CGIL

The text

More sanctions and more inspectors: the new rules

Go ahead in Cdm

Past Present Future

Fascist assaults, emotional squares

Divided historians. Is that category appropriate or not to read the facts of last Saturday? In the square a pre-political crowd: each representing himself. Those who had a purpose, even if different from that of most people, “won”

The analysis

Other than humanitarian missions: now there are also no hospitals

Afghanistan. The dark vice of the West

The exhibition

What a story, pasta. Spaghetti with sauce on display

At Casa Artusi, penne and macaroni are celebrated, from Pulcinella to NEW

In the room

“Ariaferma”: the prison is not just that of the prison

Di Costanzo’s work, with Servillo and Orlando, deserved to compete in the Venice Film Festival: it is a jewel

theater and art

“My hot-blooded battles”

Bizhan Bassiri did not leave Iran for political reasons. He does not regret the Rome of the 70s which was teeming with artist friends and then “suddenly emptied itself”. He has no nostalgia for the lost homeland from which he has been missing for almost half a century – 40 years to be exact – and has never cultivated […]

On stage

“Mutuo Soccorso”, an enjoyable comedy without the need for gags and effects

Finally a new generation of actors who have stopped mimicking Pasolini to quote Fran Lebowitz instead: even for this alone, Francesco Brandi is nice. Ironic author, and hilarious actor, Brandi made his debut at Parenti with his third text, after Per strada and Buon anno, boys – a critical and public success -, […]

DC (After Christie)

There is a corpse in the Sicilian Stonehenge: who kills politicians and pedophiles?

How many know that Sicily has its own Stonehenge, with prehistoric menhirs representing penises and vaginas? “It seems strange that there is no mention of such a particular site in any work of any era. As well as it is strange that of the people who have passed through here for who knows how many centuries nothing has ever been found ”. […]


De Luna and the Italians in a “single” film

The long journey through the history of Italy can (must) also pass through the history of our cinema. Putting together, to analyze the past and use it to understand the contemporary, something that scholars once ignored, almost despised, making it instead become an essential document to reconstruct and evaluate. Films, in fact, linked to facts and evolution […]

In other words

“At my death, only writing will not be waste”

Domenico Starnone Writer

The tasting

The Bel Paese that has reinvented itself, on the stones and ruins of a fake empire

What did archeology do for the Italian empire? And what did the empire, or the desire for an empire, do for Italian archeology? These are the two main questions faced by Simona Troilo, historian of the University of L’Aquila, in Pietre d’oltremare: excavating, conserving, imagining the empire (1899-1940), published by Laterza. The author takes the reader through the Mediterranean, where the archaeologists are […]

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