On Sunday we turn the pointers forward

by time news

Αλλαγή ώρας © Pexels

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THE time change is approaching, with time now counting down to daylight saving time on the clocks. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has announced “when does the time change”, with citizens being asked in a few days to put the hands on their clocks forward, in order for them to show daylight saving time.

The time change may have been planned to be abolished in 2021 in Europe, but the coronavirus pandemic brought it up and down, putting on “ice” the European planning to stop this particular practice, which affects the biological clock, among other things. The war in Ukraine followed, with the Commission postponing until (much) later the implementation of the measure voted for by the European Parliament.

According to the decision of the European Parliament (410 votes in favor and 192 against), in 2021 the member states of the European Union should decide in March whether to keep summer time or winter time, proceeding to the last time change. Something, however, that ultimately did not happen.

When is the 2024 time change

As every year, this year too, the change of time to summer time will take place on the last Sunday of March. More specifically, on Sunday, March 31, 2024, at 03:00 in the morning, we turn the hands forward one hour so that the clocks show 04:00, thus signaling the arrival of daylight saving time. That means… one hour less sleep and more energy-saving sunshine, according to daylight saving time devotees.

The announcement of the ministry about when the time changes

“We remind you that, on Sunday, March 31, 2024, the application of the winter time measure expires, in accordance with Directive 2000/84 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19/01/2001, regarding the winter time provisions. The hands of the clocks must be moved forward one hour, ie from 03:00 AM. at 04:00 am.” says the announcement of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport about the change of time to summer time.

Daylight saving time was adopted in the 1970s in the midst of an oil crisis, which caused energy prices to rise significantly. Since 1996, a single, pan-European regulation has been in effect, whereby in the spring we turn the clocks forward one hour (so that daylight is used for an extra hour), while in the autumn we turn them back one hour.

When was summer time implemented in Greece for the first time

In Greece, summer time was applied for the first time, on a trial basis, in 1932, specifically from July 6th to September 1st. At that time the clocks went forward one hour. However, the idea was quickly abandoned. It took four decades for daylight saving time to return. In 1973, due to the energy crisis that hit Europe, the decision was made to adopt the summer time measure by a large part of the states, including Greece at the time.

The decision to change the time was made in 1975 in the midst of the oil crisis. That year it was decided to adopt summer time on the last Sunday in March and to move the hands of the clock forward one hour. Accordingly, on the last Sunday of October, citizens changed the hands on their clocks for winter time to come. In Germany, summer time was established in 1980. There were also practical reasons, as most of the neighboring countries had established summer time.

On Sunday, March 31, 2024, the time changes to summer © Pexels

3+1 arguments to remove the time change

Those asking to stop changing the time on clocks have the following arguments:

  • The time change has negative effects on the biological rhythms, especially of children.
  • Citizens will no longer have to deal with customizing their watches.
  • When the time stops changing, the human body will not have to adjust to the time change every time.
  • Permanent DST can lead to energy savings as people won’t have to turn on their lights late at night. There are, however, studies that challenge this claim.
  • In any case on Sunday 31 March 2024 the time changes again, with daylight savings returning to the clocks, as the planned abolition remains on the cards until further notice.

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