“On the beaches, sunscreen dispensers and free armor for children”

by time news

2024-07-13 14:55:53

Provide beaches with free sunscreen dispensers, give armbands to children and honor the request for life-saving defibrillators for cardiac resuscitation. WE HAD’ an appeal launched to bathing centers and areas of sea resorts by doctors who in recent days in Fasano, in the Brindisi region, participated in the 7th International Workshop of Green Flags – 10th National Congress of Green Flags, the official event for the delivery of Green flags 2024 to child-friendly beaches, selected by paediatricians. A description of the new proposals in Adnkronos Salute is Italo FarnetaniFull Professor of Paediatrics at the Ludes-United Campus of the University of Malta and the ‘father’ of Green Flags, who on the occasion of the two meeting already proposed two initiatives: half share on the menus and breastfeeding points open to all in bars. , restaurants and hotels and factories.

Follow the example of foreign countries sunscreens in dispensersthe doctor explained, is “a question made by Francesca Farnetani, associate professor of Physiology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The goal is the prevention of melanoma of the skin”, the most feared skin cancer, which among its risk factors includes “sleeping and sleeping experienced throughout life, especially during childhood and adolescence. To prevent it, it is important to use protective creams diligently, not only using them every 3 hours, but also repeat the operation after swimming in the sea or sweating profusely. Because even creams described as ‘waterproof’, although more slowly, are absorbed by water. Hence the idea to carry free sunscreen dispensers at beach establishments always available and ready for use.

Another “gift idea” comes from Farnetani himself: “I advise the operators of bathing establishments, but also the Mayors – he explained – to provide free. places of interest for all children under 4 years of age years and in general for all those who cannot bathe. In fact, I remember that in the decalogue put up by Green Flag pediatric professionals it is recommended, among other things, that children who go into the water always wear armor.” A gift that can save “especially in the light of the attention stream of the foreigner.” tourists on Italian beaches, often from countries with little knowledge with the water and marine environment. Countries where sun-sensitive skin photos are also common, for which the availability of sunscreens will be especially important. ”

In the end AEDs, semi-automatic external defibrillators, mandatory in every establishment. “It has also been important – Report Farnetani – Goffredo Vaccaro, anesthesiologist and resuscitator. The use of defibrillators increases the chances of survival ten times in the event of a cardiac arrest. The obligation also includes the training of professional staff in the use of AED, and can Telephonic assistance provided remotely by emergency service centers can be essential For a defibrillator the cost can be low, even 750 euros, Vaccaro points out”. In return, the result is priceless: many lives saved.

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