On the employment and social front, eight projects for a busy autumn

by time news

The social partners know a little more about what awaits them for the months to come. The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, and the Minister Delegate in charge of Vocational Education and Training, Carole Grandjean, presented their roadmap to them on Monday, September 12, which should make it possible to fulfill the objective of the five-year period: to achieve full employment. “The unemployment rate remains structurally high, while companies are facing unprecedented recruitment problemsexplains the entourage of Mr. Dussopt. We cannot be satisfied with this situation. »

On the program of the meeting, which lasted a little over two hours: eight sites, few details and many promised consultations. Among the major works that are on the way, some are already well known, in particular the reform of unemployment insurance. Olivier Dussopt reaffirmed his desire to change the compensation rules, in order to adapt them to changes in the labor market. Consultation on the modulation of allowances must start “around mid-September, based on a consultation document”, we say in the entourage of the minister. The unions have already affirmed their firm opposition to the principle. The roadmap also highlights the future negotiation which awaits the social partners on the subject of the governance of unemployment insurance, in order to “better define the respective roles of the government, Parliament and the social partners”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Unemployment insurance: a union front denounces a “simplistic” reform

The pension reform could not escape these projects. On this explosive subject, the Minister of Labor remained cautious. Consultations will take place on Monday September 19, after the adoption of the report of the Pensions Orientation Council, which is to be published on September 15. The document, which The world was able to consult, announces a return to the balance of the pension schemes on a provisional basis, but a much less radiant future, with the reappearance of lasting deficits from 2023. At the end of the meeting, the unions called on the government not to take advantage of the Social Security funding bill, in the fall, to include a parametric measure linked to the legal age. “It would block everything”according to Cyril Chabanier (CFTC), and “this would be dangerous and would lead to strong mobilization, demonstrations and strikes”warned Michel Beaugas (FO).

“Change of vocabulary on the RSA”

Autumn will also see the dawn of “renovation of the public employment service”, which aims to create France Travail. Olivier Dussopt also launched, on Monday, a mission of “foreshadowing” in view of the creation of the structure, which must succeed Pôle emploi and better coordinate the various players involved in employment and the fight against unemployment. The mission was entrusted to the High Commissioner for Employment and Business Commitment, Thibaut Guilluy, and the consultation should begin in September and continue until December, with an experimentation phase in candidate territories for end of the year, for deployment of France Travail in early 2023.

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