On the eve of a decisive day, anger and resentment in the street

by time news

On the eve of a decisive day with the debate on the motions of censure, the anger of the opponents of the pension reform remains strong, pushing the union leaders to demand that the text be abandoned, for fear of a lasting “resentment” in population.

For Laurent Berger, number one of the CFDT, “we went from the feeling of being despised to a feeling of anger, in particular because we deprived the employees of the result of their mobilization”, namely, according to him, the rejection of the text in the National Assembly if it had passed to the vote. The government has chosen to resort to 49.3, which exempts it from such a vote.

Mobilization day Thursday

“The resentment and anger that are growing must serve the mobilizations in a peaceful framework and not be politically exploited”, adds the leader in an interview with Liberation. The inter-union calls for a vast day of mobilization on Thursday.

Anger and resentment that the presidential majority also seems to perceive. The patroness of the Renaissance deputies Aurore Bergé judges that the votes on Monday on the motions of censure will be a moment of “clarity”, and that it will then be necessary to “re-establish the link” with the French.

After several days of mobilization and demonstrations, at the call of the inter-union bringing together all the major organizations, the recourse Thursday to article 49.3 of the Constitution by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, set fire to the powder.


Since then, organized or spontaneous gatherings have taken place throughout the territory, calmly or with excesses. Sunday evening, several hundred people gathered around the vast Parisian shopping center Les Halles, chanting anti-Macron, anti-police and anti-49.3 slogans. The demonstrators questioned by AFP during the rallies in France indeed express anger, but march, for the most part, calmly, with slogans and signs.

Philippe Martinez, head of the CGT, says “not to understand” that “the government and especially the President of the Republic do not take our alerts seriously”. “It is the responsibility” of Emmanuel Macron “if the anger is at these levels”, according to him.

The President of the Republicans, Eric Ciotti, reported on Twitter that his parliamentary office in Nice had been stoned overnight from Saturday to Sunday to, according to him, “put pressure” so that he votes Monday for the motion of censure. Other offices of pro-reform elected officials have been targeted in recent days.

The two motions tabled, by Liot (Freedoms, Independents Overseas and Territories) and by elected representatives of the National Rally (RN), will be debated and put to the vote of the National Assembly from 4:00 p.m.

First day of baccalaureate

Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire thinks “there will be no majority to bring down the government”. “But it will be a moment of truth. Is pension reform worth yes or no, the fall of the government and political disorder? The answer is clearly + no +,” the minister told Le Parisien on Sunday.

For the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, who has been carrying out this reform for months, “of course, a motion of censure can always be adopted” in the National Assembly. “But for that it would have to bring together a coalition of + against +, of + anti +, to obtain a very heterogeneous majority without a common political line,” he told the Sunday newspaper. Monday will also be the first day of the 2023 baccalaureate specialty exams, for nearly 540,000 high school students, against a backdrop of strike threats by supervisors.

The Ministry of Education will mobilize additional supervisors in order to “allow the tests to take place in the best conditions”. In the event of delays due to a transport strike, there will be an adjustment of the test time so that the candidate can work for the expected duration.

As for the garbage collectors’ strike, the town hall of Parie estimates the volume of waste not collected in the streets at 9,600 tonnes on Sunday, down slightly thanks to a filtering dam which allows a few trucks to pass through the Issy-les incineration center. -Moulineaux.

This strike also affects cities in the region: in Rennes, garbage cans have been piling up on the sidewalks for a week and in Nantes since at least March 15.

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