On the holiday of the Redemption: the renovation of a synagogue near the Holy Zion in Niazin was completed

by time news

Today, the 10th of Kislu, the holiday of the redemption of the Middle Rebbe, Rabbi Dober, a synagogue was dedicated near his Zion in the cemetery in the city of Niezhin in the Chernigov district of eastern Ukraine.

The middle rebbe, the eldest son of the old rebbe was born following the blessing of the Magid of Mezrich, and was named after him. He was the one who determined the place of the Hasids in the town of Lubavitch, where he arrived together with thousands of Hasids on the 8th day of Elul 5th, while Prince Chekhovsky, who ruled the city, ordered his workers to cut down his forests to build houses for the Rebbe and the Hasids.

When he arrived at the place, the middle rebbe told the Hasidim that the old rebbe, as a child, studied in the town of Lubavitch with Rabbi Yishchar Ber of Lubavitch and added that the old rebbe appeared to him and asked him to settle in Lubavitch. During his time Hasidism continued to grow throughout White Russia and Lithuania, and the number of travelers to the Hasidic court kept increasing, while the number of Chabad followers increased threefold.

The middle rebbe was banned following the whistle-blowing during the Sukkot holiday of 2017, and he was released after investigations and tests in which the investigators realized that a false plot was being treated against him. On the day of his release on the second day of his imprisonment, he was released from prison. This date has been set for generations as the holiday of redemption.

The rabbi commanded the renovation of the synagogue Shneor Zalman Deutschthe messenger and responsible for the holy places in Haditch and Niazin, while the work was done in the last period, during the war, taking advantage of the fact that because of this the number of people arriving at the place was significantly less and the renovation work did not interfere with the routine there.

The cost of the renovation, which included a complete renovation, strengthening of the structure, establishment of water infrastructure, furniture, air conditioning and much more, cost 50,000 dollars, some of which was donated by the governor Mr. Yitzhak Miralshuili And the other part is in the hands of Jews from all over the world who were raised to the matter.

As I recall, last Shabbat, Parshat Vaitza, T. Keslo – the birthday and the day of the departure of the Middle Rebbe, there were about 30 Jews from Niyazin and the surrounding area, when Rabbi Deitsch was late for them and made sure they had a full Eshel.

This morning, as mentioned, the synagogue was inaugurated in a modest but moving ceremony in which the chairman of the Jewish Federation in Ukraine, Rabbi Meir Stambler who established the mezuzah at the entrance of the compound as well as the businessman R. Levi Adrai MAHK

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