2024-07-17 19:16:23
How did the left wake up on Wednesday July 17? Like ten mornings ago. With the persistence of intense hatred, there is an advanced stage of self-destruction. From 7:40 am, on France 2, Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Scientists, said that “I’m sorry for the impression we gave the French people”. “I’m angry, I hate, I’m fed up”he said in the face of the complete suspension of negotiations to agree on the name of the common candidate of the Popular Front (NFP) for the position of Prime Minister. « You can’t raise hope and then be very disappointed. »
Two hours later, near the National Assembly, in a confused gesture, Sandrine Rousseau, vice president of the environment from Paris, lamented: “I can’t wait anymore. It’s a shame. » What is troubling him, in particular, is the process of negotiations “and secret”inside “conclave, among a few negotiators. It is, in fact, locked. Why not open discussions to all NFP representatives? » To open everything before it is too late, it is necessary, according to him, “either a quick consensus among the representatives, or put to a vote to know who is put in Matignon”.
This democratic approach was first sought to resolve the Prime Minister’s question, before a delicate search for consensus, during a late-night negotiation.
“Chifoumi or short grass”
The quest for complete understanding has, so far, produced only fragments. And acidity, mainly between the Socialist Party (PS) and La France insoumise (LFI). The PS said “No” to the candidate proposed by the LFI: Huguette Bello, president of the regional council of Réunion, who is considered close to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The LFI said “No” to the candidate proposed by the PS: Laurence Tubiana, the economist who is the special chairman of the climate conference of the citizens, who thinks “Macron compatible”. A broken relationship which led to the squaring of the circle as left-wing voters became desperate and talks were closed. Could it be time to change ways?
On Tuesday, Communist officials said they wanted to “submit the nomination of a Prime Minister to a vote of the representatives” shed “Find an exit from the top as quickly as possible”. There is no question of “Risks of leaving the whistleblower to the President of the Republic for a long time”. Just like Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, who said the same day to the National Assembly: “Why didn’t he vote? At some point you have to move on (…) We will not spend day and night there. » The situation has been held for a month: on July 18, even before the first round of legislative elections, Mr. Faure asked “one vote” to appoint the Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the left.
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