On the occasion of International Women’s Day, on Tuesday 1.3 Rehovot Mall will hold a pampering morning for women who are coping and recovering from breast cancer, which includes a movie screening, coffee and pastries.

by time news

The end of dog feces on the sidewalks: The Rehovot City Council has unanimously approved the obligation to sample DNA for dogs.

After a lengthy examination process and after several authorities in the country approved a similar law, the Rehovot Municipality approved at the City Council meeting the establishment of a municipal DNA database for dogs, and oblige all dog owners to sample them as part of the acceptance or renewal of the license process. It is important to note that the new bylaw, after being approved by the City Council, requires the approval of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Agriculture as part of its ratification process and its entry into force.

The explanatory memorandum to the law shows that dog droppings that are dumped in public areas and are not collected are a common phenomenon that causes health hazards and damage to the appearance of the city, but mainly causes nuisance and damage to the quality of life of public users in public space.

Currently, the only enforcement measure available to the municipality to deal with the phenomenon is to place inspectors who will locate the perpetrators of the offense at the time it occurs and impose fines (choice of law) in the amount of NIS 475 in accordance with section 7 (b) of the Street By-Law. “And 1996.

However, attempts to reduce the phenomenon through “enforcement operations” have failed to eliminate the phenomenon, which has become a scourge of the state, which many other authorities are facing.

The main difficulty affecting enforcement efficiency stems both from the limited number of inspectors compared to the size of the city, and especially the difficulty in locating the offense when it occurs (this is an action that lasts a few seconds but requires long monitoring by dogs and their owners). .

The bill was prepared by the municipality’s legal department, and will be submitted to the council for approval, regulating the establishment of a municipal DNA database, through which the dog’s owner can be identified and DNA tests performed on feces found on the street using existing samples in the database.

Rahamim Malul, Mayor:

“The phenomenon of dog droppings in the city has consequences in terms of cleanliness and care of the city as well as sanitary consequences. When dog owners do not collect them anywhere in the public space, it harms the quality of life of other residents, and our activity for clean and well-kept city Walk in public space without any hazard of dirt or odor “

The initiator of the amendment to the law, Deputy Mayor Yaniv Markovich, holds the city appearance portfolio:

“I believe this law can change the situation and make dog owners understand that there is a great responsibility in adopting a dog also in terms of cleaning its needs and this responsibility rests with its owner. I know this issue bothers many residents so I am glad we are starting to promote a solution. “This has made walking in public space impossible. We invest a lot of resources in cleaning and nurturing public parks and sidewalks but this ugly phenomenon harms the result. We are in favor of adopting dogs and think it is a very important value but one should understand that there is an accompanying responsibility for dog adoption.”

Council member Itel in the Alsich axis, holds a portfolio of innovation and sustainable development:

‘About three years ago, I approached Mr. Markowitz with a proposal to work on building a DNA database for dogs that would help take action, including enforcement against dog feces. “We are happy about the cooperation and that the issue has been approved by the city council. This is another move that will contribute and add to our quality of life in the city.”

Dr. Avi Tzarfati, Director of the Municipal Veterinary Service:

“In recent years, a number of solutions have been tried in the field – both by placing special bins and plastic bag facilities, or providing kits to collect necessities as a gift when vaccinating rabies. The phenomenon of leaving dog droppings in public spaces has not diminished, “Sanitation and health for both the double and quadruple public in our city. We see the collection of needs of resident dogs as an integral part of the” responsible ownership “concept that applies to the dog owner, such as performing the annual rabies vaccine, preventing wandering and keeping dogs in proper conditions and well-being.”

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