on the public hospital, a shared observation and a common desire for massive investments

by time news

Without surprise or break with the programs declined during the campaign, the two candidates for the presidential election each defended their formula to save the public hospital from “the collapse”. Shortage of nurses, emergency services forced to stop at night, “Lits” closed… the ebb of the Covid-19 crisis in recent weeks is far from having put an end to the ills from which healthcare establishments are suffering.

At Emmanuel Macron, it is a matter of pursuing a “massive investment” in health. And this, in line with the plan initiated by the Ségur de la santé in the summer of 2020, with salary increases for hospital staff of 183 euros, or an investment of 19 billion euros in health establishments out of ten years. “It’s not enough”he conceded. “I know that today, it is the working conditions that are the hardest”, insisted the candidate La République en Marche, who promises to «Réembaucher», and that’s why « [d’]attract people to the hospital” and ” [d’]improve working conditions ».

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“Only crises can get you moving”retorted Marine Le Pen, in reference to the Covid-19 epidemic. “The collapse of the hospital, we knew it, you had already been in power for three years”she attacked him, citing “understaffed nurses” or “medical deserts” who “dated for years”. The National Rally (RN) candidate emphasized the envelope of 20 billion euros that she promises for the hospital over five years. “It’s 10 billion for the upgrading of staff, for hiring, especially in nursing homes, to avoid tragedies that have been revealed, and then, the suffering of caregivers and patients”, she clarified. Another ten billion are intended for “investments in the hospital”, for the material or a « plan scanner-IRM ».

The only direct battle between the two candidates took place on the numerus clausus, i.e. the number of students authorized to pursue medicine fixed nationally, which Emmanuel Macron abolished to replace it with a “numerus apertus”, established at the university level, and greatly increased. The representative of the RN brandished it as an example of this inaction by the president outside of crises, situating this suppression at ” Last year “. The president has repeatedly contradicted his opponent, to remind him that the decision dated from before the crisis, in 2018.

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