On the way to office – Moshe Ben Zaken and Miri Regev against the rest of the world

by time news

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Despite all the objections, the government will approve the appointment of Moshe Ben Zaken from Ashdod to the powerful position of director general of the Ministry of Transportation – even though the appointments committee disqualified Malkhan as director general of the Ministry of Transportation, and even though the legal advisers of the Ministry of Transportation and the government also published an opinion this morning (Sunday) to the ministers because there is a legal impediment to his appointment, and even though the chairman of Yad Labanim, Eli Ben Shem, also asked to cancel the appointment of Moshe Ben Zaken due to a post he wrote about Major Roy Klein who fell in the Lebanon War…. The Minister of Transportation, Miri Regev, brings approval the appointment of an associate and confidant, against the will of all these and the ministers will respond to her request.
Now the issue is expected to come up for discussion at the High Court – but Regev should also overcome this hurdle

Just before the government (the ministers) approved the appointment of Ashdodi, Moshe Ben Zaken, to the position of Director General of the Ministry of Transportation, at the request of Minister Miri Regev, Attorney Yael Cohen, the legal advisor of the Ministry of Transportation, published an opinion to the ministers this morning (Sunday) In which she wrote that there is a legal impediment to appoint Moshe Ben Zaken, who is close to Sarah Miri Regev, to the position of Director General of the Ministry of Transportation.

In the same way, the legal advisor to the government Gali Beharev Miara expressed today (Sunday) her opposition to the appointment of the minister’s candidate Miri Regev to the director general of the Ministry of Transportation. The letter she delivered to the government ministers stated that the appointment of Moshe Ben Zaken had already been examined by the Appointments Committee, which found him ineligible to fulfill the role.

The announcement of the legal advisers to the government and the Ministry of Transportation came four days after the appointment committee of the Civil Service Commission rejected the appointment of an elderly man to the position.

The Appointments Committee headed by the Civil Service Commissioner stated in its opinion that:

“The candidate is not qualified, at this stage, for the position of Director General of the Ministry of Transport. The committee believes that the appointment of the candidate to a position that has such a dramatic impact on the day-to-day life of all Israeli citizens, whose issues that lie before him have weighty macroeconomic consequences, may harm the functioning of the ministry and its ability to meet its many and complex tasks. Therefore, the committee recommends to the government not to appoint him.”

Regev seeks to cancel not only the opinion, but also the committee itself:

Despite this opinion, Regev decided to submit the appointment to the government for approval in any case and as mentioned it was approved. At the same time, Regev also wants to cancel the appointments committee of the Civil Service Commission.

But not only the appointments committee may be abolished – in the reform of the judicial system presented last week by Minister of Justice Yariv Levin, he also referred to the issue of legal advisors. According to Levin, “No more submission of the government to an unelected level. The legal advisors, as they are called, are advisors and do not decide. And with that, the power of the legal advisors and their opinion will very soon become irrelevant.

It is likely that if the government (as expected) approves the appointment of Ben Zaken to the position, the issue will be brought before the High Court through the movement for the quality of government. decisions of the government, which in his eyes were unreasonable.

If the hurdles placed in front of Ben Zaken for the position do not end – the chairman of Yad Labanim called on the government to “cancel the appointment of Moshe Ben Zaken”:

Eli Ben Shem asked to cancel the appointment of Moshe Ben Zakan as Director General of the Ministry of Transportation due to a post he wrote in the past about Major Roi Klein who fell in the Lebanon War – and this is how he writes: “For years I have been fighting to keep dealing with bereavement out of the political discourse, but this incident is unusual By any standard. Long before management experience or one degree or another, Moshe Ben Zaken does not meet the most basic Israeli threshold conditions – respecting the memory of the fallen and their legacy. These things are always true, but all the more so when it comes to Israel’s hero Roy Klein. I know and cherish Minister Miri Regev and I am convinced that she did not know about these statements, but now that they have been revealed, I am officially calling on her on behalf of the entire bereaved family: withdraw his candidacy immediately.”
No response was given to his letter

The next hurdle facing an old man (but the government may also overcome it) – Supreme Court judges:

Moshe Ben Zaken will now wait for the higher hurdle which is the judges of the Supreme Court – but the new government is enacting laws that will be able to overcome their rulings so that after all he will be able to settle on one of the most powerful positions in the public service that controls many billions and greatly influences the daily lives of All citizens of Israel.

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