On the way to the government? A partial list of the Likud’s demands in the coalition negotiations

by time news

The Likud party published this evening (Tuesday) part of its demands in the coalition negotiations on the way to forming a government. Among other things, the list includes laws and initiatives promoted by the previous government – and the Netanyahu bloc chose to oppose them, such as the exemption from visas to the US, the law on dimensions for studies or the increase in the salary of conscript soldiers.

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Among the published demands concerning IDF soldiers: raising the salary of conscript soldiers by 20%, raising the salary of soldiers in the last six months of their service to the minimum wage, full funding of “Dimensions for studies” – 100% scholarship for soldiers – a proposal put forward by the previous government of the Netanyahu bloc He opposed her at the time.

In matters of law and governance, the party demands a “reform to ensure governance and the ability to carry out government policy”, which includes, among other things, the abolition of the board of directors and the possibility of appointing directors from the general public who meet appropriate threshold conditions.

In addition, it demands the “strengthening of the position of the Knesset and the restoration of the proper balance between the authorities, among other things through the enactment of a basic law: the legislation, as well as a reform of the public service and a transition to positions of trust in key positions in government ministries necessary for the implementation of government policy.”

In the field of settlement: curbing the illegal construction and taking over Area C, implementing the Avitar plan in accordance with the decision of the outgoing government, regulating the young settlement, including electricity and water connections, ensuring the continuation of the yeshiva’s activity in Hamesh and strengthening the Jewish settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel.

In the foreign sector: a significant deepening of the cooperation with the countries of the “Abraham Agreements” and the commitment of all government ministries to promote this cooperation. Promoting additional peace agreements to end the Israeli-Arab conflict, as well as promoting a fast-track visa agreement with the US – a law that the Netanyahu bloc opposed when the Bennett-Lapid government tried to pass it, despite pleas to Netanyahu from the ambassador.

Regarding the war on the cost of living, the demands include an emergency plan to curb the cost of living in which the increases in the prices of electricity, water, fuel and property taxes will be temporarily frozen, free education 0-3, a green and fast track for the import of products with European standards without the need for Israeli standards, and a dramatic reduction of regulation for small businesses and independent.

In the area of ​​housing: subsidizing the infrastructure for the purpose of releasing the stock of planned apartments (300,000) in order to curb the increase in housing prices, shortening bureaucracy in land marketing procedures, speeding up the granting of building permits, increasing the “residential price” program.

On the topic of transportation, the launch of a multi-year plan for the “bullet train” across Israel, including the allocation of the necessary budgets for planning and execution upon completion of the planning, will accelerate the transition to electric transportation and the realization of the metro plan – another plan that was torpedoed by the Netanyahu bloc while it was being promoted by Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli.

In the field of the periphery: completion of a rapid transportation connection of the north and south to the center, rapid advancement of projects to turn the Negev and the Galilee into a center of biotech and advanced agricultural industries, completion of the Likud governments plan to transfer the IDF and cyber activity to the Negev.

In the field of agriculture, Likud demands budgeting for the protection of the farmers who guard the state’s lands and guaranteeing the rights of farmers who have reached retirement age and lowering tariffs while subsidizing the Israeli farmer.

Regarding the Arab sector, Likud demands the allocation of resources and enforcement tools for the eradication of crime in Arab society and continued investment in infrastructure, as well as the construction of a five-year plan for education and employment for young people in the Arab, Druze, Bedouin and Circassian sectors.

In the area of ​​immigration and conversion: increasing the budgets of the Ministry of Absorption in order to take advantage of the existing opportunities for a significant increase in immigration to Israel, expanding the state conversion system and making it accessible to the public interested in conversion, and reforming the professional licensing that will allow new immigrants to work in the professions they acquired in their country of origin.

In the field of communications, the party demands “increased competition” in the communications market.

In the field of education: strengthening of state and state-religious education and in particular strengthening of mathematics, English and science studies, strengthening of English studies in elementary school. Deepening the curriculum in the history of Zionism and the heritage of Clal Edat Yisrael, canceling the Shasha-Biton reform and reinstating the matriculation requirement in history, Bible, literature and citizenship.

In the field of higher education: positive preference for military veterans in the faculties of medicine, law, computer science, accounting and engineering. Strengthening higher education and in particular the implementation of government decisions regarding Ariel University. Increasing the discount on public transportation for students. Increasing scholarships for students who are veterans of the military and national service.

In the field of culture and sports: a five-year plan for the construction of hundreds of multi-purpose sports fields, the initiation of a project to integrate outstanding former athletes into the education system, the encouragement of original productions, including on Zionism and heritage issues, and a five-year plan for deepening musical education within the framework of which 10 music centers (conservatories) will be built that will offer music studies, including studies at an academic level.

In the field of the environment, the Likud demands the enactment of the climate law, including setting a target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the joint work with President Yitzhak Herzog’s climate forum will be strengthened to speed up the implementation of the State of Israel’s commitments at the climate conference.

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