“On the web there is the fake news that my son is autistic” – Corriere TV

by time news

Emanuela Aureli, guest at “BellaMa ‘”, the first’ talking point ‘of Italian TV (Monday to Friday from 15.15 to 17.00 on Rai2), yesterday Wednesday 19 October denied a fake news that has been running on the Net for two years now: “Thank God, my six-year-old is fine, but there is this news on the Internet that he should have autism. I don’t know how such a thing could have come about. They can say anything and no one verifies ». The conductor Pierluigi Diaco commented: “It is a really offensive thing not only for you, but also for those many families who really live with this disease.”

October 20, 2022 – Updated October 20, 2022, 09:46

© Time.News

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