On Tuesday, AMLO and Sheinbaum will review budgetary issues

by times news cr

The constitutional and elected presidents, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and Claudia Sheinbaumrespectively, will meet next Tuesday to review budgetary issues.

This was announced by López Obrador in his morning press conference this Thursday, in which he detailed that:

We will have a joint meeting on Tuesday regarding the Treasury case to talk about the financial situation, income, the Budget, the end of this year and the preparation of next year’s project, which is the responsibility of the members of the new team, but we help in everything.”

The outgoing president’s announcement comes the day after his government published guidelines for officially beginning the process of transition of public administration.

This Wednesday it was published in the evening edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) the Agreement, which, through 10 articles and 4 transitional provisions, indicates that:

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“The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the bases for the transition from Incoming Federal Public Administration as of October 1, 2024so that public servants in office and those appointed by the President-elect implement the coordination mechanisms necessary for an orderly and transparent transition.”

The document states that, after the Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation delivered the certificate of majority to the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum (August 15), it is necessary to establish the elements for coordination between the agencies of the Federal Public Administration and public servants. appointed by the President-elect to ensure the follow-up of the actions government officials due to the change of administration.

For this reason, the 10 articles of the Agreement establish that, among other things, it enters into force the day after its publication in the DOF, and that the Coordination Board is created -which must be established within a maximum of 5 business days- for the Transition, which will be made up of the heads of the departments and entities of the current public administration, and the people designated by the government; the Board will be installed by the Government and the person designated by the President to occupy said department (Rosa Icela Rodríguez, current head of Security).

The said Board shall:

“Coordinate activities for the exchange of information available to the departments and entities of the Federal Public Administration in office, as well as facilitating communication mechanisms between the acting government and the incoming government, and adopt the agreements that are necessary for an orderly, responsible and efficient transition.”

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While, in the 4 transitory provisions of the Agreement it is indicated that the transition tables of the federal agencies will be established the day after the establishment of the Federal Transition Tableand that the Agreement will remain in force until the work of the process is concluded.

And that the expenses generated by the operation will be covered:

“Charged from the budget authorized for the corresponding expenditure executors in the Federal Expenditure Budget for Fiscal Year 2024therefore its budget will not be increased and no additional resources will be authorized for the current fiscal year and for subsequent ones.”

Transition Table to be established next week

On the other hand, the president-elect announced this Thursday that the Transition Table will be established between Monday and Tuesday.

In her daily conference, Sheinbaum Pardo said that the Roundtable:

It will be installed by the current Secretary of the Interior and the person appointed by the president-elect to occupy said position, that is, Luisa María Alcalde and Rosa Icela Rodríguez, the 2 Secretaries of the Interior, then it will probably be on Monday or before when they are formally installed.”

He explained that the transition will be governed by the guiding principles of discipline, legality, objectivity, professionalism, honesty, loyalty, impartiality, integrity, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency that govern public service.

2024-08-25 01:52:33

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