“‘Onboarding & Training’ trains doctors for the third sector”

by time news

2023-12-07 14:40:22

The new “Onboarding & Training” project of the Consulcesi Foundation is a ‘bridge’ between skills and needs in the world of the Third Sector in the healthcare and humanitarian fields, which, as a Group, makes maximum expertise available to partner organisations, NGOs and ETS in the health sector, with the aim of bringing new projects on board and training specialized medical personnel. It is “a project – explains Simone Colombati, president of the Consulcesi Foundation – to continue to develop in new forms our mission of support and assistance to the most vulnerable through support for doctors and organizations involved in the healthcare-humanitarian field, totally free for partner bodies involved and which sees our best resources and skills at the service of their needs”.

The initiative – explains a note – moves on two core assets of the Consulcesi Group, to which the Foundation refers: the training platform and the largest database of doctors and healthcare professionals in Italy with 1.6 million contacts profiled for profession and specialization. Thanks to this database, the Foundation will be able to involve and invite healthcare workers through an awareness and involvement activity so that they know and choose to participate in the calls for projects of Third Sector Bodies and NGOs. Through the training platform, volunteer medical staff will have access to an online catalog made up of over 300 courses and/or innovative teaching models, developed or to be developed ad hoc with the partner Sanità in-Formazione (Best Ecm Provider in the Fad distance learning category) . The choice and selection of the figures to be involved in the organization will be managed by the partner organization on the basis of its own needs and mission, just as the training course will also be carried out in partnership with the requesting organisation, based on its specific needs training.

The project was kicked off by the training course to improve the diagnosis and treatment of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, created in support of the Acmt-Rete, a voluntary association created with the aim of improving the quality of life of affected people from pathology. Although it is the most widespread hereditary peripheral neuropathy, it is still among the least known, even in the healthcare sector, and among the most underdiagnosed. “Affected people – observes Federico Tiberio, President of ACMT-Rete Odv – wait on average 10 years before receiving a diagnosis” living “in uncertainty and deprived of the possibility of undergoing clinical trials which today, finally, are taking their first steps Also in Italy”.

In this regard, the director of the Consulcesi Foundation, Silvia Superbi, highlights: “Alongside the lack of investments aimed at researching cures, there persists – for this as for many other rare diseases – a lack in the training of doctors and healthcare professionals. For this reason – he adds – the dissemination project that Acmt-Rete carries out is particularly innovative and virtuous and which finds further strength in this Ecm course, also thanks to our partners who will facilitate its diffusion, including the Italian Federation of general practitioners (Fimmg) of Rome”.

The course ‘Recognize, diagnose and treat Charcot-Marie-Tooth (Cmt) disease’, made available free of charge to all general practitioners, surgeons, psychologists and many other medical-health professions, and in Fad mode to meet to the busy schedules of professionals, provides for the release of 5.0 CME credits. The scientific director is Francesco Ferraro, director of the specialist neuromotor rehabilitation department, at the multifunctional rehabilitation center “Don Primo Mazzolari” of Bozzolo AO “Carlo Poma” of Mantua, supported by 6 other experts, specialists in different areas of intervention. “The intent – reiterates Tiberio – is to provide doctors with elements that allow them to recognize the characteristic clinical signs of the disease and induce them to invite the patient to a specialist as soon as possible, to ensure that no other child with Cmt is scolded because distracted.”

“The Foundation’s commitment to healthcare accessible to all – concludes Superbi – will also continue to include support for rare diseases and the people affected by them. In this regard, the next ‘Onboarding and training’ projects that we will carry out will be specifically in the direction of training for other rare diseases”.

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