One by one, these are the new lines of credit to strengthen the private sector

by time news

The Governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac, and the Minister of Production and Economic Development, Ariel Lucero, presented together with the Secretary of Industry and Productive Development of the Nation, José Ignacio de Mendiguren, and the president of the Banco de la Nación, Silvina Batakis , the new lines of credit with interest rate subsidy for the productive sector of the province.

This is the detail of each one:

Harvest line, haulage and processing expenses vintage 2023 – Banco Nación

-Destination: credits for MSMEs that develop winemaking activities in the Province of San Juan.

-Global amount of the program: $1,000 million.

-Maximum amount per policyholder: up to $50 million.

-Term: single maturity of principal and interest at 300 days.

-Fixed Interest Rate: TNA 74.50%.

-Government Subsidy of the Province of San Juan: 15 annual percentage points.

-Interest rate for Beneficiary: fixed TNA of 59.50%.

-Guarantee: to the satisfaction of Banco Nación.

-Eligibility: Ministry of Production and Economic Development of San Juan.

-Line expiration: 06/30/2023.

-Requirements and Information: Banco Nación branches in San Juan //

Capital Goods Acquisition Line for large companies – Banco San Juan

-Destination: loans for large companies located in the Province of San Juan for the acquisition of capital goods.

-Global amount of the program: $1,000 million.

-Term: up to 48 months with up to six months of grace for capital.

-Variable Interest Rate: BADCOR Rate (Corrected Badlar) + 3 percentage points (TNA 77.50%).

-Government Subsidy of the Province of San Juan: 15 annual percentage points.

-Interest rate for Variable Beneficiary: TNA of 62.50%

-Guarantee: to the satisfaction of Banco San Juan.

-Eligibility: Ministry of Production and Economic Development of San Juan.

-Line expiration: 06/30/2023.

– Requirements and information: – province

Refunding for $1000 Million in the CreAr Pyme Federal Investment Line – Banco San Juan

-Destination: credits for investment by MSMEs located in the Province of San Juan.

-Global amount of the program: $2,000 million. The original quota was $1 billion and an additional $1 billion expansion was announced on the date.

-Term: up to 60 months with up to 6 months of grace for capital.

-Interest Rate for MSMEs: TNA 44% (subsidized by the Government of the Nation and the Government of the Province)

-Guarantee: to the satisfaction of Banco San Juan.

-Eligibility: Ministry of Production and Economic Development of San Juan.

-Line expiration: 06/30/2023.

– Requirements and information:

Line CreAr Investment SME Exporters – Banco San Juan

-Destination: investment project that promotes exports of industrial, agro-industrial or industrial services SMEs.

-Amount per project: from $100 million to $500 million.

-Term: from 48 to 60 months, with up to 6 months of grace.

-Interest rate is 49% during the first 36 months, with a discount of up to 30 points from FONDEP and BADLAR from the BCRA for the rest of the period.

-Total amount of the line for San Juan: $2,000 million.

-Line expiration: until April 30, 2023 or until exhaustion of quota.

– Requirements and information:

CreAr SME Investment Line Import Substitution – Banco San Juan

-Destination: impact project on foreign exchange savings of industrial, agro-industrial or industrial services SMEs.

-Amount: for SMEs it is from $100 million to $500 million.

-Term: from 48 to 60 months, with up to 6 months of grace.

-Interest rate: 49% during the first 36 months, with a bonus of up to 30 FONDEP points, and BADLAR from the BCRA for the rest of the period.

-Total amount of the line for San Juan: $1,670 million.

-Expiration of the line: until April 30, 2023 or until exhaustion of quota.

– Requirements and information:

CreAr Leasing Line – Banco San Juan

-Destination: leasing is a financing mechanism through which a financial institution acquires a capital asset on the instruction of a requesting client. The capital asset -remains under the ownership of the entity, which delivers it to the applicant for his use and enjoyment for a determined time.

-Goods of national origin or nationalized directly related to the productive activity can be acquired. And imported goods, with a maximum quota of 30%.

-Term: the term of leasing operations can be up to 61 months depending on the type of asset.

-Amount: maximum is $120 million.

-Interest rate: 49% during the first 36 months, with a bonus of up to 30 FONDEP and BADLAR points for the rest of the period.

-Total amount of the line for San Juan: $1,000 million.

-Expiration of the line: until March 31, 2023 or until exhaustion of quota.

-Requirement and information:

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