one dead and more than 250 houses collapsed in Mbuji-Mayi – acpcongo

by time news

Mbuji-Mayi, 04 avril 2023 (ACP).- The torrential rain that fell on Sunday evening in Mbuji-Mayi, capital of Kasai Oriental caused the death of a woman struck by lightning and significant material damage, noted the ACP on Monday.

“More than two hundred and fifty collapsed dwellings, submerged houses, collapsed boundary walls, blown roofs, gullied avenues and several flooded neighborhoods”, noted, ACP reporters, following a round carried out in the affected municipalities including Bipemba, Diulu and Kanshi.

In the Kalundu, Plaine and Mulekayi neighborhoods in Bipemba, several houses built of durable materials and adobes are flooded, with considerable loss of real estate. The walls of the existing ravines of the Bobo district in Diulu collapsed and widened and the footbridges thrown over these crevasses gave way and were washed away by the runoff waters.

Destitute, several homeless households who spend the night under the stars seek assistance from both provincial and national authorities. “We are requesting the intervention of the government of Kasai Oriental and that of the DRC because all the effects of the house have been washed away and we are spending the night outside with the children while we are during the period of torrential rains”, said a mom.

The urban authority, the mayors of the affected municipalities and their district heads are already identifying the affected households and the collapsed houses.


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