one dead and several arrests – 2024-07-30 19:10:37

by time news

The dynamics of Guinean civil society organizations had called for a peaceful march in Conakry this Tuesday, July 30, 2024 to express their fed up with the arbitrary arrest of comrades Foniké Menguè and Billo Hadjass, the closure of the media and the high cost of living.

In a press release, the Dynamics of Civil Society Organizations welcomes the success of the first day of a long series of demonstrations planned in Conakry.

« On the occasion of this first day, despite the heavy rain that fell on the capital, freedom-loving citizens came out in large numbers to express their fed-upness with the arbitrary arrest of comrades Foniké Menguè and Billo Hadjass, the closure of the media and the high cost of living. Purely social demands contrary to the press release from the public prosecutor’s office and the governor of the city of Conakry. “, the press release states.

However, Dynamique deplores the death of a young man at the Cimenterie by live ammunition.

« Results of the first day: A case of death by live ammunition reported at the cement plant; The arrest of 4 young leaders, members of the Dynamics of Civil Society Organizations and several other young people in the neighborhoods; Repression began yesterday in several neighborhoods of Conakry, causing the death of a young lady and several injured; The deployment of security devices throughout the capital and surrounding towns; Heavy rain fell on Conakry, preventing several demonstrators from joining the ranks; Several markets, shops and stores in the capital remained closed; Less fluid traffic in Greater Conakry; Paralyzed economic activities; The use of unconventional weapons by elements of the security forces against demonstrators “, deplored the Dynamics of Civil Society Organizations

The organizations announce that there is no question of giving up in their fight: ” We are committed to going all the way as long as our social and legitimate demands are not taken into account by the transitional authorities. We invite the valiant people of Guinea to continue the series of demonstrations for the days of tomorrow July 31 and the day after tomorrow August 1. Faced with this unprecedented violence and bloody repression, the people of Guinea are not demobilizing. We will not give in to any pressure or threat. “, invited the Dynamics of Civil Society Organizations

Finally, they recall that: “ The unwavering determination of the protesters to defend their fundamental rights remains intact. The new arrests of our comrades only galvanize our resolve to fight for justice and democracy. You can imprison or arrest the revolutionaries but the revolution continues.. »

Adam Bah

2024-07-30 19:10:37

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