One foot here and the other … – by Giancarlo Infante

by time news

It took the Olympics and the summer revival of the “vannacciate” polemics about our fellow countrymen and women who do not have “Italian somatic traits” (assuming that they exist and that the search for them does not take us back to the times when we thought of the perfect Aryan race), to talk about a serious problem that risks institutional and human issues at the same time.

Out of nowhere, suddenly, the country that “counts” has become entangled in a debate on “Jus solis” and “Jus scholae” with a touch of the surreal. Above all, because we know what the majority thinks about it and we know well the basis of division on which it was born, and the power of interdiction that the three segments that compose it can play within it.

Antonio Tajani’s stance is certainly to be appreciated, who, giving a circle to the blow and one to the barrel, made a timid nod to the possibility that we can talk about it. And he did it partly because he was pressed by the mounting discussions and partly because it is now clear that the game is to all remain firmly in the majority, while taking the liberty of conducting a few turns of the waltz independently. But always remaining in the field of abstract hypotheses and with an eye turned to concrete things, more or less noble. And among the first there is certainly that of the European game still to be written.

The “purchase campaign” underway does not escape notice, in contempt of the many curses sent in the direction of the so-called “changes of shirt”. Which, evidently, are not good only when it concerns losing a bit of your own home clothes…

Then, he writes that he is thinking of Catholics. And it just so happens that it is very convenient on the eve of the Rimini Meeting where, all things considered, getting a few rounds of applause is always a pleasure.

Matteo Renzi, who was not referring only to the theme of “Jus scholae”, spoke on TV two nights ago of summer “nonsense” and said he was convinced that Tajani will do nothing about it. We do not go that far because Hope is the last goddess to die and we do not follow Foscolo in claiming that even Speme flees the tombs today. However, we are well aware of Berlusconi who, in thirty years, has never wanted to build a truly popular, supportive and inclusive party. It is even more difficult for Tajani to succeed, intent as he is on remaining a prisoner of the right-wing majority in which he remains clinging.

But let us not despair completely. Who knows, perhaps from the European events a clarification may not come that is indispensable for us.

Domenico Galbiati is right (CLICK HERE). Politics often calls for significant steps when faced with firm lines that inevitably require a choice on which side you want to be. Sitting astride that is not possible, with one foot firmly on one side and the other…

Giancarlo Infante

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