One Health, what is it and how does it affect everyone?

by time news

2023-11-03 22:00:21

Anniversaries are always created for different purposes, although there is one that is quite recent but has great relevance. Its about One Health Daywhich is commemorated every November 3 and emerged to call on world leaders to increase their political commitment to health.

This date, also known as “One health” Its objective is to prevent and address in a unified way common threats that put the health and well-being of humans, animals, plants and the environment at risk.

One Health, we are all part of one

Within an ecosystem there are different participants and all have a direct or indirect impact on others. Within the field of health it can be seen in the zoonotic diseases that are becoming more numerous and frequent.

This approach is based on understanding how human actions and policies can affect the health of animals and the environment. The day of One Health offers everyone the opportunity to learn about the connections between the health of human beings and the other beings around them.

It is also an opportunity to create opportunities and mobilize the entire society. In this way, doctors, epidemiologists, public health professionals, veterinarians, wildlife experts, community leaders and people from different sectors must work together to address the main health threats.

In this regard, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Bank estimate that the efforts made could bring the world community at least 37 billion a year. While the investment requested by the WHO requires less than 10% of this amount.

Consequences that can already be observed in the world

The health repercussions of the climate crisis, water pollution, unsafe food and the increase in disease outbreaks are some of the greatest challenges facing humanity and the planet today.

To give a clear example, the air pollution It causes at least 7 million deaths annually and losses worth $3 billion a year.

While problems related to antimicrobial resistance They cause 5 million human deaths annually. Furthermore, it is estimated that between now and 2050 it will cause economic losses of up to 100 billion dollars.

Regarding recent health problems, the COVID-19 It has caused around 6 million human deaths. At the moment the lowest figures have been achieved since the origin of the disease but it is expected that during the following winter season its incidence and mortality will increase.

Based on the above, the strategy of One Health It is a sustainable way of living together on this planet, and can be considered a lifestyle. People can contribute in many ways: by complying with antibiotic treatments prescribed by health professionals; practicing healthy habits with pets and making sure they are vaccinated and trying to walk or bike.

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#Health #affect

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