One hundred thousand dead or wounded Russian soldiers, as many Ukrainians. Will the exhausted armies stop? –

by time news
from Andrea Nicastro

Pentagon estimates: there are also 40 civilian casualties. The military of Kiev defend their country, the Russian generals use their men as cannon fodder

MYKOLAIV – Putin’s “non-war” costs the Russian people 15 victims per hour, more than 35 per day, over 10 thousand per month. In early August, the Pentagon estimated that around 80,000 Russian soldiers had already died or wounded in Ukraine. Now the US Joint Chief of Staff, Mark Milley, updates the figure to 100,000. Among those who defend themselves, things are not going better also because of the victims in uniform at least 40,000 civilians must be added. All Ukrainians, of course. Even if the invasion stopped tomorrow, it would already be one of the most painful wars of the last fifty years.

Losses in battle are strategic information and in May President Zelensky used it to convince those who did not want to give him the weapons to defend themselves. “One hundred Ukrainians are killed every day on the eastern front,” he said, causing dismay. The following month Zelensky was down to “60-100 soldiers killed every day with another 500 wounded.” In July, “30 deaths a day with 250 injured”. In those months, the average Ukrainian military casualties would therefore have been over 20,000 per month. At that rate, it takes little to reach the 100,000 estimated by the US. But if the Ukrainians have little choice in having to defend themselves, it is the Russian contempt for the lives of their soldiers that leaves us speechless.

The crook’s three-horse carriage galloping madly in the finale of Gogol’s “Dead Souls” says it all. «The tròika runs, runs! And don’t you run Russia too? ” “The other peoples and other empires step aside, looking at it badly.” From scorched earth tactics to offensives that kill millions, Tsarist and Soviet imperial history is a continuous affirmation of the superiority of the homeland, indeed of Mother Russia, over the individual.. The soldier is condemned to serve the idea, to sacrifice himself as a number, not a person. This is why Wednesday’s Russian justifications for withdrawing from the city of Kherson surprised us: “We must preserve the lives of our soldiers,” said Defense Minister Shoigu. If it is not the first time it is still an exception to the general conduct of the invasion.

«Along the front – President Zelensky declared on Monday – our forces are in active defense. Donetsk remains the epicenter of the greatest invading madness – hundreds die every day. The land in front of the Ukrainian posts is littered with their bodies ”.

In that area, the line of contact has been at a standstill since February 24, the first day of the war. The Russians failed to break through towards Kramatorsk and the Kiev artillery still has the capital of Donetsk conquered by the pro-Russians in 2014 within its range. It is there, towards the town of Bakhmut, that 30,000 Putin’s soldiers attack every day, for months. The area is “contracted out” to the mercenaries of Wagner and the founder Yevgeniy Prigozhin
he does not hesitate to launch the tròika of his “human capital” to prove to the Kremlin that he is a better leader than the generals with the stars. The dead earn medal and diploma. To the north, towards Luhansk, the Russians stopped the Ukrainian reconquest in September with a wall of bombs. Wagner added concrete ditches and obstacles. Further north, the ground lost by the Russians around Kharkiv remains under missile attack from Moscow, but there are no attempts to advance. Along the Zaporizhzhia front, the artillery works remotely. They try to survive in the trenches and no one attempts sorties. The autumn rains will make the fields impassable at least until the frost in January and February.

Over the thousand kilometers in front, the most dynamic side is today Kherson. After the announcement of the Russian withdrawal from the city, yesterday the Ukrainian avant-gardes found a dozen villages free. Kherson city remains 10 kilometers away, a trap or a gift? But even without conquests and retreats, war kills. «In six months at the front – he told the Courier a surgeon on the front line – I treated 4,000 soldiers and only 5 were wounded by gunfire. The other victims of the bombs“. On Ukraine, tons of them fall every day. It is with those that he makes butchery of humans.

November 10, 2022 (change November 10, 2022 | 23:18)

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