One in five Girona residents go to work outside the province

by time news

2023-09-25 06:30:22

L’exodus of workers from Girona to other parts of Spain has turned the province into a broadcaster labor contracts. According to the report on recruitment and geographical mobility of workers in Spain 2022 prepared by the Public Service of State Employment (Sepe), Girona had a negative balance of 2,815 contracts. All in all, they came out 52.265 from Girona to work in other parts of Spain and in 49,450 will enter from all over the state. Taking departures into account, the mobility rate was 18.38%, that is to say, practically 1 out of 5 Girona had to work outside the province.

By gender, the homes have contributed, to a large extent, to Girona being a emitting province. The imbalance exceeds a thousand contracts. In total, the negative balance of men’s contracts exceeded the 2.000 (-2,088), while that of the women didn’t reach four figures (-727). Taking into account the agein red numbers are the workers of more than 45 years. Their contracts in the direction of other points in Spain captured the 12.234while only the province received some 10.211. A substantial difference that leaves a negative balance of -2.023 workers. On the other hand, the youngest workers in Girona do not have to go to work outside as much as those over 45 do, although the balance is also below zero. The contracts of workers of less than 30 years They will record a balance of -408and those that are between the 30 and 45 years of -384.

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The less qualified leave

Labor emigration of Girona workers is headed by the profiles with lower education. Despite not having the highest mobility rate, the contracts of graduates with primary studies and those with unaccredited studies recorded a negative balance of -3.621. A substantial gap compared to the contracts of workers with other training levels. For example, those with a high school diploma had a positive balance of 419 or those who have a training cycle had, between entries and exits, a positive difference of more 1.078 contracts Likewise, workers with higher education registered the highest mobility rate. practically, 1 out of 3 came or left Girona for work reasons. All in all, they entered 5.800 contracts of workers with this profile and they left 6.188which left a negative balance of -308.

The departure of people from Girona with lower levels of education is in line with the mobility of occupational groups. Of these groups, those who moved the most and those who left have the most negative balance are workers not qualified. In total, they will enter the province 15.529 workers from all over Spain and left for other points 20.115. A difference that made the province lose 4.586 workers. To a lesser degree, the province also lost more than a thousand workers linked to the sector scientist (-1.343). On the other side of the coin, the profession with a higher balance in Girona were those artisans and workers linked to the industrial sector (2,731) and the workers of the services of restoration, staff, protection and vendors of shops (2.521) which increased the number of workers to more than 5.000.

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Immigration, a key agent

The flows d‘immigration are one of the major contributors that have made Girona a province broadcaster. According to the Sepe study, the province received 13.386 contracts of people of immigrant origin and lost some 18.813. A difference of -5.427 contracts In contrast to workers extracommunitythose of Spanish origin do not have as much need to leave the province to go to work. Between entries and exits, they had a positive balance of more 2.612 employment contracts

Main provinces of origin and destination by number of contracts

data DdG

Agriculture loses workers

Companies in the industrial sector signed 10.334 contracts to workers resident in other autonomous communities, while the province lost, within the same sector, 3.591 workers. A positive difference of 6.743 employment contracts Therefore, the sector industrial allowed the province to be one pole of attraction of workers and at the same time a source of recruitment. To a lesser extent, construction also attracted workers from other locations in Spain. He caught it 3.383 and lost some 2.077as a result, had a positive balance of 1.306 labor contracts The sector did not have the same luck services and agriculture. Despite the fact that the service sector was the main attracting sector, hiring 34.106 workers from outside and at the same time it was the one that lost the most workers (36.120)registering a negative balance of 2.014 contracts Girona’s agriculture was in a worse situation which lost an important figure of labour force. He only hired 1.627 outside workers while 10.477 workers from Girona left for other Spanish territories.

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More labor mobility

In the last nine years, Girona has increased its mobility by one 66,8%. If in 2012 they were registered, between entries and exits, 60.972 contracts in 2021 exceeded five figures, capturing the 101.715 contracts The increase in mobility over the years has also made the gap of inputs and outputs. In 2012 Girona the province was already a transmitter and had a negative balance of -5.478 who left the province to work elsewhere in Spain. Nine years later, in 2021 it was possible to shorten the balance to 2.663 labor contracts, when the province had a balance of -2.815 workers.

Evolution of interprovincial hiring mobility (2012-2021)

data DdG

Girona and Barcelona they feed each other off workers. According to Sepe’s 2022 mobility report, 33.028 workers from Girona left to work in Barcelona. Despite being the main destination for workers from Girona, Barcelona is also, by far, the province from which the most staff are obtained. However, in the exchange Girona came out losing because they received some 31.556 and so he almost lost 2.000 workers.

Between these two county capitals, the main sectoral areas that motivated this flow are the industrial, specifically the manufacturing industrya, i the services. Within the service sector, tasks of energy supply, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning; hospitality tasks, real estate and public administration activities, defense and mandatory social security.

In second positionthe territory where Girona sucks the most workers is Madrid. In total, they will come 2.285 Madrid workers. In the exchange with the capital, Girona leaves with a slightly positive balance because they left for the center 2.153.

In third and fourth placeGirona puts the prism, again, to Catalonia to get workers. In detail, they came 1.659 workers of Lleida i 1.531 of Tarragona.

Finally, Girona absorbed 1,125 employment contracts in Valenciawhich is established as the fifth province that supplies Girona the most.


As for departures, Murcia is one of the main showcases for Girona workers. This is demonstrated by the report which highlights that the province of Murcia was the second that attracted the most labor, after Barcelona, ​​with a total of 3.105 labor contracts

In third place, Madrid is the third city that attracts the most staff from Girona. In 2021 he hired 2.153 workers. In the capital it is followed by Lleida which hired just over 2.000 workers from Girona. Bearing in mind that in the same year Girona hired him 1.659the exchange is unfavorable in Girona with a negative balance of minus 379 workers.

Finally, the fifth place where more Girona workers left is Valencia, which occupies the same position in terms of entries. In the exchange, Girona comes out slightly harmed with a negative balance of 586 labor contracts

#Girona #residents #work #province

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