One in three Trentinos in debt: monthly payments amount to 406 euros – Economy

by time news

TRENTO. One in three adult Trentinos (to be exact, 31.8 percent of adults) and one in four South Tyroleans (25.7%) have an active credit relationship. The Our region is in last place in Italy for the percentage of residents who have existing or requested financingThe highest share of the population with at least one existing loan is Valle d’Aosta, with 62.3% of the total, followed by Tuscany (59.5%) and Lazio (58.2%).

On the other hand, however, Trentino Alto Adige is the area where citizens pay the highest installments to pay off their debt406 euros on average per month, ahead of 319 euros for Lombards and 306 euros for Venetians. In last place, however, are Calabrians with 232 euros on average, Molise with 234, and Sicilians with 236.

Two data that seem to be in antithesis, but which in reality have a rather logical explanation: in Trentino Alto Adige and generally in the northern areas within the total of the financing requested by citizens there is a greater incidence of mortgages – which necessarily have a higher capital to repay also due to a tendency for the higher value of the properties – compared to other forms of debt, for example consumer credit, which is widespread in the south.

This and other information emerges from the study carried out by Crif, the Central Financial Risks, a sort of “rating agency” that provides support for the provision and management of consumer credit, offering credit reference information for the prediction and control of financial risks.

In recent days, the update relating to the first half of 2024 was presented. “Credit Map”the study on the use of installment credit by Italians. From the analysis of the data it emerges that, even in anticipation of a drop in interest rates (the ECB has just cut the reference rate by 25 basis points), the loan market has started to move again since the beginning of the year.

Currently, 52.7% of the Italian adult population has an active credit contract, 2.6 percent more than in 2023. The average monthly installment is 278 euros (-13.9% compared to a year ago), while the residual debt is 35,167 euros (up 0.8%). 23.6 percent of the financing is for mortgages, 47.7 for finalized loans, therefore for the purchase of a specific non-real estate asset, typically cars, motorcycles, furniture, TVs) and 28.7 for personal loans.

As for the Trentino data, the population with active credits is equal to 31.8 percent of the total and has an average debt of 46,701 euros. The average installment to be paid is 368 euros per month. The distribution of the number of active credit operations indicates that in Trentino 26.1 percent of the financing concerns mortgages for the purchase of real estate, 45.3 percent are finalized loans and 28.6 percent are personal loans.

As for Alto Adige, the average debt is 57,417 euros with an average monthly installment to repay of 444 euros. At a national level, looking at mortgages, we note an increase in active contracts (+22.3%) while the residual exposure remains substantially stable, slightly exceeding 101,000 euros.

As for finalized loans, both the monthly installment, which stands at 134 euros, and the residual exposure (+1.5%), which remains contained and less than 6,000 euros, are slightly increasing. The average installment for personal loans is substantially stable, which stands at 250 euros.

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