One in two French people encounter difficulties in accessing healthcare

by time news

The figure explodes over a year. More than one person in ten even explains that they do not have access to it at all.

This is a survey revealing the extent of the crisis in the health system, at a time when the latter is already facing a triple epidemic, the strike of liberal doctors and that of laboratories. Thursday, January 5, the Elabe Institute unveiled a study highlighting that one in two French people say they have complicated, long or partial access to care services (51%). A figure up sharply over one year. In October 2021, they were only “what32% said the same. Worse, 12% point to having no access. Conversely, “alone» 31% (-19) say they have quick and easy access to everything they need.

While the question of medical deserts is taking up a growing place in the public debate, the survey once again shows the gap between small and large municipalities. In the first, 59% of respondents say they have complicated access to care, 17% no access at all and 18% easy access. In seconds the figures are respectively 45% complicated, 7% not at all and 42% easy. Nevertheless, the trend towards a deterioration in access to supply is the same in all cities in France.

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Lack of trust in the executive

Unsurprisingly, a slight majority believes that the health system works poorly and only an extreme minority (5%) thinks that it works very well. Figures in free fall compared to the last identical survey done in October 2021. At that time, 78% said they were satisfied. A plebiscite driven by the Covid crisis “where public opinion hailed the efficiency and usefulness of the health systemnotes Elabe. Respondents are pessimistic: 3 out of 4 French people feel that the offer has deteriorated in recent years. About as many do not trust the executive to solve problems.

Several causes are at the origin of this situation, according to the interviewees. The question of means would be the number one problem. The number of caregivers, deemed insufficient, is also singled out. On the third step of the podium, we find the question of the installation:Doctors do not want to settle in rural areas», Underlines the document. In the midst of a debate on the revaluation of the price of the consultation, the answer “caregivers are not paid enoughis in sixth position.

SEE ALSO – Health: the French worried about the hospital

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