One of the engines of a Southwest airline plane explodes at the Havana airport

by time news

Photo: Archive | CN360

Text: Cuba News 360 Writing

One of the engines of a Southwest airline plane exploded as it left terminal number two of the José Martí International Airport in Havana.

Through his Facebook profile, user Ricardo Labrada confirmed that “the plane in which we were returning from Cuba had an explosion in one of its turbines.”

The traveler said that “the plane was completely filled with smoke, a lot of panic, but a thousand times thanks to GOD we were able to return and all the passengers are fine,” he said.

For his part, state journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso published that “users on social networks and residents of Boyeros report the emergency landing of an aircraft, presumably from the Southwest airline, at the Havana airport.”

According to Alonso’s report, the plane had taken off from the island around 1:00 pm and a fire in one of its engines forced it to return to the runway.

Until now, no victims or injuries have been reported and, according to comments from users on the networks, the landing was satisfactory despite the fire.

Residents of the area near the Havana airport informed the Cuban journalist living in the US, Mario J. Pentón, that they had heard several explosions while the plane was in flight and they claimed to have seen the plane return to the runway after the incident.

Likewise, the user Edmundo Dantés Junior published on his Facebook profile some comments from other residents of the municipality of Boyeros who affirm that “the plane was able to land at the airport and they immediately poured water on it to cool it, but it did make two explosions in the air in the right engine. Another user added: “Yes, I saw it and heard the two explosions it made in the air and also a tremendous fright, my feet went slack.”

Isleidy Delgado also commented on Facebook that «Yes, it is true. My mom was in the yard. First two explosions were heard, she starts to look and when she does she starts to scream, That’s releasing smoke! I was washing and I run out and when I look, it was indeed releasing smoke. Fortunately the pilot was an expert and he was able to make the maneuver and turn ».

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