One out of two children in Europe is at risk from excessive heat. The advice of pediatricians –

by time news

2023-07-27 18:05:42

by Health Editor

A new study published by Unicef ​​has shown that, due to increasingly frequent heat waves, the health of children living in southwestern Europe and central Asia is at risk

A new study signed by Unicef, carried out on 50 countries, has shown that half of the children living in some areas of Europe and Asia (about 92 million) are exposed to a high frequency of “heat waves”. This condition is determined by the record heat which, year after year, mainly affects the countries of south-western Europe and central Asia. The data draws attention to the urgency of protecting the little ones from the impact of heat waves which can be hazardous to health, as in the case of heatstroke. “Countries in Europe and Central Asia are feeling the ‘heat’ linked to the climate crisis, and children’s health and well-being are most affected,” said Regina De Dominicis, UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and the Region. ‘Central Asia – Half of children are currently exposed to a high frequency of heat waves. This percentage is expected to grow to all children by 2050.

Heat waves and children

Infants and young children are most at risk during heat waves because their core temperature rises significantly higher and faster than adults, making them considered to be among the most fragile subjects. It is sometimes difficult for parents and adults to understand the seriousness of certain conditions because they perceive heat differently and may be late in identifying danger situations or symptoms of heat-related illnesses.
«To maintain a constant body temperature between 35 and 37 and a half degrees – specifies the President of the Italian Society of Pediatrics, Professor Annamaria Staiano – the body generates heat and disperses it by cooling down thanks to sweating. This natural cooling system, when it’s very hot, can progressively “go into crisis”: this causes the body temperature to reach dangerous levels. Intense heat, associated with other factors such as humidity, closed places, poor ventilation, thick clothes, can be the cause of heat pathologies. First of all, it is advisable to avoid exposure during the hottest hours of the day, therefore taking a break, perhaps at lunchtime, even on days spent at the beach, a good way to defend yourself is to stay in the shade, in a ventilated place if possible , drink and avoid meals that are too demanding, favoring the consumption of fruit and vegetables. These indications, it should be remembered, also apply to the elderly, grandparents, another fragile and precious category to protect”.

Pediatrician advice

To protect children from heat waves it is necessary to adopt some common sense rules, indicated by the Italian Society of Pediatrics:
1) Drink plenty of water and often, even if you don’t feel the need
2) Wear light colored loose clothing and light hats
3) Limit outdoor physical activity in the central hours of the day
4) Educate children to face the hottest days, seeking shelter in cool places sheltered from the sun, hydrating and resting immediately whenever they feel overheated
5) At the beach pay attention to the timetables, especially with the little ones. The ideal time to take them to the beach is until 9.30-10 in the morning and after 4.30 in the afternoon, always taking into account the outside temperatures.
6) Remember that up to 6 months children should never be exposed to the sun and that sunscreens are not recommended, as the skin is very thin and delicate, therefore more permeable to any chemicals present in sunscreens. From 6 months onwards it is important to apply sunscreens with a high protection factor: +50 up to three years, at least +30 afterward, always paying attention to the phototype of the child, who, especially if light, requires greater protection.
7) Frequently wet the head and neck with fresh water, especially if the children are exposed to heat for a long time.

July 27, 2023 (change July 27, 2023 | 18:05)

#children #Europe #risk #excessive #heat #advice #pediatricians

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