One server per zone: copywriters insist Dinamalar

by time news

Tirupur: ‘To solve the ‘server’ problem in all of Tamil Nadu, the deed copywriters’ association has insisted that a separate server should be set up for the region. In Tirupur, Tamil Nadu Deed Copywriters’ Association President Padmanapan and General Secretary Kannan said: Due to the server problem for more than 10 days, the entire Unable to deed. Not only the people, but also the deed clerks suffer huge losses. TCS, which has been contracted for the website service of Deeds Registry, shall take full responsibility. The Government of Tamil Nadu should make a way to get appropriate compensation for the deficiencies of the internet service from the concerned company. For the convenience of the Registry Department, it is functioning divided into nine zones. If you set up a separate server for each zone, a separate server for backup and replication, this problem will not arise. While the server for the deed registry department, TCS, is kept in a foreign state, the deed registry department should keep the server in Tamil Nadu for security reasons. There are 5,376 authorized deed registry clerks in Tamil Nadu. Due to unlicensed clerks indulging in malpractices, deed registration incurs losses. In this regard, the authorities should investigate and take action. Thus, they said.

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