One spoon to treat cough permanently and severe cough, no matter how strong it is from the first day, you will not do without it for the rest of your life

by time news
One spoon to treat a cough once and for all and a severe cough, no matter how strong it is, from the first day, you will not do without it for the rest of your life – educate me

As a result of the harsh cold in the winter season, this led to the occurrence of many chronic cough cases that people can suffer from for long periods, and there are those who suffer from coughing and phlegm due to bad smoking habits, as coughing can cause many health crises for a person such as difficulty sleeping, Chest fatigue, and the accumulation of phlegm on the lungs for that day. Through this article, we will show you how to prepare a recipe that helps treat and get rid of cough permanently. It consists of simple ingredients that are found in every home, and we will explain the ingredients of the recipe and how to prepare it through this article.

Ingredients for preparing a cough remedy recipe

  • cumin spoon.
  • Anise spoon.
  • Nigella sativa spoon.
  • Till spoon.
  • Guava paper.
  • Cup water.

How to prepare a cough remedy recipe

  • Get a medium sized bowl.
  • Then we put all the ingredients we have from cumin, anise, tilaw and guava leaves into the bowl with a spoon, mix all the ingredients together.
  • Bring a bowl, put one tablespoon of the mixture with a cup of water.
  • We put the pot on the fire and leave it until it boils, then remove it from the heat.
  • Strain the mixture and put it in a cup with a spoonful of honey.
  • We notice when eating this recipe that it gets rid of the chronic cough and the effects of the accumulated phlegm.

Lemon recipe ingredients to eliminate cough

  • Lemons.
  • Bee Honey.
  • ginger.
  • water.

How to prepare lemon recipe

  • We take the ginger, wash it well and cut it into small slices.
  • Then put the ginger in a bowl with water with lemon juice.
  • The mixture is raised on the fire and left until it boils completely.
  • We filter the mixture into a cup and put a spoonful of honey on it to sweeten it.
  • This drink is consumed daily on an empty stomach.
  • We note that lemon contains vitamin C, which treats influenza and completely eliminates cough and its effects, along with ginger and honey. They are two main ingredients in cleaning the lung from phlegm and getting rid of cough permanently. Thus, we were able to offer you two recipes to treat cough from the first day through our article.

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