One week after the beginning of the wave of violence, Rio Grande do Norte records 284 attacks in total

by time news

According to data from the State Secretariat for Public Security and Social Defense, up to 10 am this Monday, 20, 137 suspects of participation in the attacks had been arrested.

EFE/Ney Douglas
Reinforcement of security by the National Force in Rio Grande do Norte helps arrest more suspects of vandalism in the state; Arrested reach 137

Since the night of Monday of last week, the 13th, the State of large northern river has registered a wave of violence in dozens of cities, including Natal, Potiguar capital. There are records of criminals firing shots at public institution buildings and setting fire to cars and buses parked in the streets. According to the Secretary of Public Security and Social Defense of the RN, Colonel Francisco Canindé, the wave of violence was motivated by inmates’ dissatisfaction with the prison system, having been commanded from within the prisons. By Sunday, the 19th, a total of 284 attacks had been registered, according to data released by the State Secretariat for Public Security and Social Defense. Despite the large volume, according to the secretariat, on Sunday only 7 occurrences were registered, which represents a reduction of 93% compared to the 105 attacks registered on Tuesday, the 14th. 20, 137 suspected of participating in the attacks were arrested.

Among those detained are 6 teenagers, 14 recaptured fugitives from justice, 1 anklet arrested with a firearm, 1 anklet with a gallon of gasoline and 1 anklet with a large amount of drugs. 38 firearms, five simulacra of firearms, 106 explosive devices, 28 gallons of fuel, 14 motorcycles, two cars, as well as money, drugs and ammunition were seized. This Saturday, the Federal Government confirmed the sending of another 100 National Security Force to the State to help combat organized crime. “We have more than 500 members of the National Force and federal forces working in Rio Grande do Norte, in aid of the state government. I have now determined the allocation of another 100 police officers,” wrote the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dinono Twitter. Check below the complete balance of the number of attacks in the State:

Tuesday (14): 105 attacks
Wednesday (15): 68 attacks
Thursday (16): 57 attacks
Friday (17): 29 attacks
Saturday (18): 18 attacks
Domingo (19): 7 attacks

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