Online dating? 5 tips for the first meeting – G5noticias

by time news

Have you been interested in online dating for a long time or have you just started and don’t know what to look for? Online dating has become significantly more popular in recent years around the world and is no longer a taboo. _In addition, the current pandemic prompted people of different ages to find a way to socialize without leaving home, which is why many turned to these types of applications and online sites.

In a survey conducted by Statista in 2021 [1]it was found that the main reason for downloading these types of applications [2] It is to seek a formal relationship. Additionally, the same respondents indicated that they want partners who have common interests. [3] or that they are physically attractive. On the other hand, only during the Covid-19 pandemic, in Latin America, the German dating app MySugarDaddy [4] registered more than 750 thousand new users. In the region, currently the ranking of said application by number of active users is made up as follows:

* Mexico
* Chile
* Brazil
* Argentina
* Colombia
* Peru

The reason is that it is much easier to write to strangers than to have to approach them and you can have options of profiles that you find attractive. In addition, you know for a fact that the person may or may not want a relationship, so there is not so much fear of being rejected. All in all, dating online seems so much more enjoyable and easy than dating in real life. However, online dating can also be associated with certain dangers [5].

Safe online dating: some tips

* Find a safe dating platform

We have all come across fake profiles [6] on dating sites. Usually one can hardly believe one’s eyes when one finds an extremely attractive person there and one can often be disappointed quite quickly, as there are fakes on non-serious sites, because user profiles are not checked regularly. bottom. Therefore, it is not noticed when someone uses photos of another person there, even, there are many profiles that use photos of famous people. This is annoying and unfortunately happens far too often, sometimes even on reputable sites.
* Neither in his house, nor in yours

Before the first date, people are already thinking about where the date could be. Especially in times of pandemic, it is difficult to find a suitable place where you can be quiet and meet each other in peace, since even in many cities, restaurants or bars are closed or it is difficult to reserve a table.

But no matter how hard it is to set up a meeting, and no matter how much you already trust the person: Never meet (at least on the first date) at your date’s house or at your own. After all, what you like so much about the person may be completely false and may have completely different intentions.

Therefore, it is best to meet your date in public and stay close to other people for your own safety. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable during the date and that you can enjoy it. Another option is to ask a friend to be present in the same establishment where you will be.

An additional tip is to schedule an “emergency call”, where a friend calls you at an agreed time (for example, an hour after the appointment) and says that something happened and that they need you urgently. This way, you can easily escape from awkward dates and have an easy and believable excuse why you have to go.

* Do not reveal too much about yourself

Tell the person that you want to talk as little as possible about your private life before the date. You can catch up later when you get to know each other better. Only reveal as much of yourself as you want and remember: you are not obligated to do anything.

Keep things private, especially addresses, names of people in your family, places you frequent, etc. So, go home alone after your first date, no matter how well you get along. After all, for first dates it’s still easy to fake it, and if your date turns out not to be a long-term partner, then you can avoid any problems.

You will surely find someone to walk you home after your appointment.

* Tell someone you trust that you are on a first date

In order for someone to be able to help you and know where and with whom you are in an emergency, you need to keep them updated on your love life. As soon as you know when and where your appointment will be, discuss it with someone nearby who can be aware of you and available if necessary.

* Take your own warning signs and those of your friends seriously

When dating someone you met online, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, take the warning signs seriously. For example, if one of your friends finds the person you’re messaging strange or suspicious, take it seriously instead of feeling attacked. The people who are close to you and who care about you have good intentions. Of course, it’s up to you to decide to what extent you’ll take a friend’s comments into account when dating online. In addition, you should also pay attention to your own warning signs, as soon as you do not feel comfortable with a person, you should be very careful, follow your intuition.

Take these suggestions into account if they are useful to you and enjoy your next date!

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