Only 10% of patients are diagnosed

by time news
  • Chagas disease is transmitted by the T. cruzi parasite and the biggest drawback is that most of the time it does not cause symptoms.
  • It is estimated that there are between 6 and 7 million patients worldwide, although the majority are in Latin America.
  • World Chagas Disease Day is commemorated every April 14.

Lack of knowledge and information make Chagas disease so difficult to combat. The biggest drawback is that only one out of every patient is diagnosed. It also influences the fact that it is often asymptomatic. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are 7 million cases, although most occur in low-income countries.

To put into perspective, In Latin America, 30,000 new cases and 10,000 deaths are registered. This pathology is almost 100% curable if detected early, but without medical treatment irreversible complications can develop in the nervous system, digestive system and heart.

most common symptoms

When present, the most common symptoms of Chagas disease are fever, swelling, cough, skin lesions, and abdominal pain or headache.

On the other hand, when no symptoms appear, the diagnosis of Chagas disease it’s quite complicated. The result is that patients do not receive medical attention until they develop a chronic condition. With this in mind, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) calls for strengthening the primary care level to facilitate early diagnosis and access to treatment.

“Chagas is a disease that few know about, although it affects millions of people. I call on governments, health personnel and community workers to make additional efforts and focus their attention on the most vulnerable populations; and so work together so that soon. It must be eliminated as a public health problem,” added PAHO Director Jarbas Barbosa.

Most of those affected are in Latin America

PAHO explains that Chagas disease affects between six and seven million people worldwide, most of them in Latin America. In this region it is endemic in 21 countries. In addition, it must be taken into account that it is the leading cause of death from a parasite, even ahead of malaria.

“Up to 75 million people live in exposed areas, putting them at risk of infection. Detection rates are often very low in many countries. Only 10% of people living with the disease receive a diagnosis and 1% receive effective treatment.

transmission and treatment

Chagas disease is caused by the T. cruzi parasite. It is mainly transmitted by the bite of an insect known as a bug or vinchuca. You can also do it by blood transfusion or organ transplant, during pregnancy and labor, and by consuming contaminated food.

Since 1990, with the support of PAHO, the countries of the region have made progress in controlling the transmission of Chagas disease, have applied universal screening in blood banks and in pregnant women, and have improved the quality and conditions of the households. In this sense, 18 countries in the region have managed to interrupt home vector transmission at the national level or in some portion of their territories.

It is estimated that around 1.1 million women of childbearing age are infected with the T. cruzi parasite in Latin America and that, each year, 9,000 children contract it through mother-to-child transmission.

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