Only 63% of companies have updated their data in the Repse

by times news cr

Specialized Services Registry Update: 7,504 Companies Renewed

Three years after the ⁣outsourcing reform, the Registry of ‍Providers of ‌Specialized Services⁣ or Specialized Works‌ (Repse) has⁣ begun issuing permits to prevent subcontracting. The renewal process started ⁤on ⁢March 1, 2024, and so far, 7,504 companies have renewed their registration. However, only‍ 63% of ⁣companies in the registry have completed the process.

The authorities are still waiting for 2,600 companies⁣ (22%)⁢ to update their data ‌to⁢ avoid potential rejections. Reasons⁢ for‍ non-renewal include:

Failure to meet renewal requirements (15%)
⁢ Unmet tax or social security obligations
Security companies lacking valid permits
Capturing activities outside their⁣ corporate purpose
* Duplicating activities

Registration for Repse is available online through the SAT, IMSS, and Infonavit platforms. Rejections are primarily due to missing or improperly presented documents.

The system⁢ is functioning⁢ without ⁤technical issues, ​and the regulations have not changed. Jesus Guillermo ‌Mendieta Gonzalez, ⁣a spokesperson for the‌ Technical Commission for⁢ Fiscal Audit, emphasized that Repse aims⁣ to prevent outsourcing.

The new regime allows ⁢for specialized services or⁣ works unrelated to ​the company’s primary focus. This ⁤eliminates the previous benefits‌ associated with outsourcing, such as PTU contributions⁢ and profit sharing.

Those interested can visit the Ministry of Labor ‌and ​Social Security at Félix Cuevas 301 in Del Valle neighborhood to clarify‍ the renewal‌ process and obtain assistance with any rejections.

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