Only in Off. Villarruel’s secret efforts to help the President’s rabbi win over LousteauBy Jaime Rosemberg

by times news cr

Much was said about the difficulties of the rabbi Axel Wahnishspiritual guide of the president Javier Mileyin their attempt to obtain approval of their specifications as ambassador to Israel by the Senate Agreements Commission.

Unlike the rest of the political ambassadors, whose documents were sent to the upper house and approved without problems, Wahnish had serious resistance and it was necessary for the radical senator Martin Lousteau received “guarantees” to sign his signature on the opinion, which was then able to be analyzed on the Senate floor, probably next week.

What was unknown until now was the underground diplomatic activity of Vice President Victoria Villarruelwho according to eyewitnesses activated efforts to obtain Lousteau’s signature and the final approval of the rabbi’s document by a tight nine votes to eight.

Senator Martín LousteauRodrigo Nespolo – THE NATION

“Victoria worked a lot to make this happen, she moved very well”, they comment in the corridors of the Upper House. And they assure that Villarruel persuaded the chancellor Diana Mondino to arrive at the Senate to talk with Lousteau and give “guarantees” regarding the eventual decision to move the diplomatic headquarters from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

From that meeting, Lousteau emerged convinced that Argentina would not do anything to “complicate the sovereign claim for the Malvinas”, given that, according to his initial view, moving the embassy to “disputed territory according to the UN” could affect the country’s claims. in international organizations. Villarruel, who is still viewed with some distrust by the President, took another step to avoid legislative shipwreck, by also facilitating Wahnish’s private meeting with Lousteauanother of those pointed out by the Government when looking for those responsible for legislative missteps, such as the Senate’s rejection of the mega-DNU.

Marginalized from the President’s small table meetings and with her own profile that does not quite convince several pure milleistas, she managed to get Wahnish to take a step, not decisive but necessary, to achieve her objective after a meeting in which she spent quite a few questions, not only from Lousteau, but, above all, from the Kirchnerist bloc.

Grabois also had his photo with a rabbi friend

His long beard caught attention in the photos, posing next to the social leader Juan Graboisboth smiling and without hiding their closeness.

Damián Karowho we are talking about, came to the Plaza de Mayo, as he usually does every year, to participate in the demonstration in repudiation of the coup d’état of March 24, 1976. As Reform rabbi, Karo greeted himself and marched alongside Grabois, who was undoubtedly close to Pope Francis., and other close leaders, such as Ofelia Fernández and Itai Hagman, both members of the Patria Grande party. He himself uploaded the photo with Grabois to his networks, accompanied by the classic request for Memory, Truth and Justice.

Juan Grabois and Damián Karo
Juan Grabois and Damián Karo

Karo, community voices explained, participates without an official position in the Reform Movement of liberal Judaism and “has had a social and political commitment for many years,” according to a colleague who knows him well, with emphasis on the fight against human trafficking.

Grabois’s friends confirmed that they “know each other” with Karo, but they avoided giving any extra information.

Jorge Macri “first” Bullrich for security

Days ago, the national ministers Patricia Bullrich and Luis Petri They announced in the Casa Rosada the presentation of several bills, among them one that establishes greater penalties and imprisonment for cases of repetition of the crime.

While the Ministry of Security promises the official presentation for the next few days, whoever was anticipated He was the head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macri, who already sent a similar project to be debated in the Legislature. The Buenos Aires initiative will coexist with others, drafted by legislators such as Graciela Ocaña (Public Trust) and Yamil Santoro (Republicans), plus some other project that the CC-ARI would present.

Jorge Macri and Bullrich, during the meeting at the Uspallata headquarters
Jorge Macri and Bullrich, during the meeting at the Uspallata headquarters

“It is going to be a law that is agreed upon and worked on,” they trusted in Peru 130, where the vice president of the Legislature, Santillista Matías López, is already negotiating with the different blocs to achieve quorum and approval of the project. “Eight out of every ten crimes are committed by people who have at least three previous arrests,” said Macri, anticipating Bullrich.

Francisco and a quick response for Santa Fe

Pure emotion was what the vice governor of Santa Fe, Gisela Scaglia, felt when receiving a handwritten response from none other than Pope Francis, days before Easter.

“Dear lady. Thank you for her letter. I was impressed to see the sense of government as a service. Thank you very much for her testimony. I pray for you, please continue to do so for me. I wish you a holy Easter,” the Pope wrote, before saying goodbye.

The Pope's response to Vice Governor Scaglia
The Pope’s response to Vice Governor Scaglia

The surprise was capital for a specific reason. The Pontiff responded in an unusually quick manner, just one day after Scaglia sent him an extensive letter, also handwritten, in which he detailed the fight against drug trafficking that the government headed by Maximiliano Pullaro has been carrying out since it came to provincial power. .

“Santa Fe is going to emerge from this scourge, Rosario is going to once again be the beautiful, thriving and talented city, we promise you this together with Governor Pullaro,” Scaglia had written, along with gratitude to Pope Bergoglio, who had pointed out the “complicity” of politicians, businessmen and judges in the increase in drug power.

Ambassador Stanley’s “careful” agenda

The United States ambassador is seen proudly in the videos on social networks, Marc Stanleyevery time it arrives in an Argentine province.

In his more than two years of mandate, the ambassador visited 16 provincesalways with his thermos and matte, to which he attaches stickers of the provincial territories to which he arrives. The last one was ten days ago, when Stanley arrived in Santa Cruz, and among other meetings he had a talk with Governor Claudio Vidal.

Ambassador Stanley and Governor Vidal exchange gifts.
Ambassador Stanley and Governor Vidal exchange gifts.Courtesy: Secretary of

At the diplomatic headquarters, they say that Stanley is eager to complete the tour of all the provinces before ending his term in January, with the inauguration of a new president in the United States. The next province on the agenda is Between riverstoday governed by Macrista Rogelio Frigerio and located a few hundred kilometers from the city of Buenos Aires.

However, so much travel left a lesson. “It is not very convenient to do these tours in election years”they suggest diplomatically in the Bosch Palace, attentive to the sensitivities that flourish in Argentine politics every time an election is approaching.

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