Only Nine Drivers Brave the Dangerous Postbus Route 331 in the Valais Region

by time news

PublishedSeptember 18, 2024, 18:34

Canton ValaisOnly nine drivers dare to take on the Postbus route 331

The Postbus route 331 in the Canton of Valais runs from Sion up to Derborence. The journey is not for the faint-hearted.


  • The bus route 331 in the Canton of Valais goes from Sion to Derborence and is likely the most dangerous Postbus route in Switzerland.

  • Rockfalls, extreme weather conditions, and narrow switchbacks make the route unpredictable.

  • Only nine experienced drivers dare to master the challenging stretch.

It’s images one typically associates with far-off lands – yet Switzerland also has a bus route that is not for the faint-hearted. The Postbus route 331 in the Canton of Valais runs from Sion through Conthey up to Derborence. Rockfalls and extreme weather conditions make the route unpredictable. Those who venture on this Postbus ride experience an adventure amid breathtaking nature.

The spectacular route, which has been operated by the Postbus since 1951, was created through the hard work of the local population, who carved it into the rock under life-threatening conditions. Openings were specially created in the tunnels to provide cows with enough daylight on their way to the alp in spring. Today, not only livestock but also cars and buses share this narrow, challenging passage, which is particularly used by many hikers in the summer.

It is forbidden to talk to the driver

Only nine drivers dare to tackle the demanding route, as reported by the NZZ. The German ZDF also dedicates a segment to the dangerous route.

The journey leads from Sion through narrow serpentines, past steep rock faces and dizzying abysses. One of these courageous drivers is Josy Germanier, who navigates every curve with utmost concentration and precision. The section after Aven is particularly tricky, where the narrow road demands millimeter precision from the drivers – talking to the driver on this route is strictly forbidden.

“The biggest challenge for me is to bring people safely to their destination,” Germanier tells ZDF in the show “Today.” He says the route is becoming increasingly dangerous, attributing this to climate change, which triggers more rockfalls.

Only Nine Drivers Brave the Dangerous Postbus Route 331 in the Valais Region

“The biggest challenge for me is to bring people safely to their destination,” says Postbus driver Josy Germanier to ZDF.


Nerves of steel

For the passengers, the journey is a mix of thrills and wonder. One woman describes feeling a “slight tingle” as the Postbus passes through one of the narrow tunnels. “But the route is still beautiful,” she adds with a smile. Another passenger praises the driver: “He is a perfectionist. You probably have to learn that.”

Germanier himself has nerves of steel, as one of his experiences shows: “I was once traveling with 36 English nurses when enormous boulders fell onto the road just ahead of us. Fortunately, I was able to stop just in time and avert a disaster. At that moment I wasn’t scared, but about a week later it all suddenly came back – to this day, that memory haunts me.”

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