“Only your problems matter” and other signs of a toxic friendship, run away!

by time news

Los friends they make life more enjoyable. We can turn to them in good times, but also when we feel that everything is collapsing on us. At each stage of life we ​​are having new friendships and with each one unique experiences are lived. Although we have been led to believe that friends should always love and support us, there are cases in which this is not the case. Pay attention to the signs to discover if it is a toxic friendship the real.

The dianoia magazine defines it as a relationship of affection and mutual care. Usually, it arises at school, when a bond is formed between two people who feel identified by a particular taste. Having a friendship helps you recognize your role within a group, which helps you become a social being.

The amistad it helps you recognize that others are stronger, braver, more influential, that they have good intentions or just the opposite. The Spanish Society for Ibero-American Communication Studies points out that friendship takes on special value, since it is closely related to the inner world of the person, their communication and their ethics.

Los True friends they provide emotional support and bring out the best in you. Unfortunately, there are “friends” who, instead of making you feel better, are toxic to your life. A “friendship” like this ends up exhausting you mentally. The problem is that several situations of little happiness will happen to notice it.

How to know if you are in a toxic friendship

“Only your problems matter” and other signs of a toxic friendship, run away! Photo: iStock

The Source points out some alert actions that indicate that this friendship is toxic.

#1. only matter their problems. Friendship is about talking about your problems, but also listening to each other’s. If that relationship only focuses on the other, it may be a warning sign that there will be no reciprocity. It is worth dedicating a moment only to the other person, but it would not always have to be like this.

#2. Does not respect your decisions. If they invite you somewhere or ask you to do something that you don’t feel like, they should respect when you say “no”. Toxic friendship will find a way to blackmail you, to make you feel bad and end up doing something even if you don’t want to.

#3. Drama all the time. It is one of the most obvious signs of toxic relationships, both in friendships and in couples or in work relationships. Also, if they make you feel bad, they won’t apologize to you, they will make you believe that they are the victims.

#4. They don’t applaud your successes. A toxic “friend” will not congratulate you when you have an achievement and will not be happy to see you achieve what you so longed for; it will be the opposite.

#5. humiliates you. He will look for a way to make you look bad in front of others and he will not care how bad you may feel.

#6. will want you to change. He will look for you to stop respecting and following your principles so that you can focus on doing what suits him or her.

When is it time to end a friendship?

feel alone

You feel stress.

You don’t feel support.

It can damage your self-esteem and confidence.

Susan Heltlera psychologist, points out that forming a amistad it takes time and effort. If there is imbalance in the relationship, it is because one part is giving more than it should and the other little or nothing. It must be made clear that toxic people will seek to get you into trouble or make you lie in order to get what they are looking for, without caring if they get you into trouble.

How toxic people act

Las toxic people are those that have a negative impact on the lives of others, either through their behavior, attitudes or emotions.

critic constantly: They tend to constantly criticize others, no matter what they do.

Son selfish: They tend to think only of themselves and their needs, without considering the feelings of others.

Son manipulative: They manipulate others into doing what they want, even if it is not in the best interest of the other person.

Son negative: They tend to have a negative attitude towards life and situations in general.

Son envious: They feel envy of others and may try to sabotage the success of others.

Son gossips: They can spread rumors and gossip about others, which can cause problems and damage relationships.

Son controllers: They try to control others, either through threats, intimidation or emotional manipulation.

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It is important to know the signs of a toxic friendshipbecause many times these people surround us without us realizing it.

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