Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett’s wedding has sparked meaningful controversy after they sold exclusive photo rights to Hello Magazine and Netflix, raising questions about the commercialization of the Norwegian royal family. In a recent interview, King Harald emphasized that the royal family does not wish to be “for sale,” stating that while they allowed photography when the press was present, they refrained from private photos to maintain a boundary. The wedding,held in Geiranger,was closely monitored,with only select media allowed to document the event,while the rest of the press was left to capture the couple’s public appearances. this decision has ignited discussions about the balance between royal privacy and public interest. 450w, 650w, 1000w, 1200w, 1600w, 2000w” src=”″ loading=”eager” alt=”Geiranger 20240831. Kong Harald,dronning Sonja,kronprins Haakon,kronprinsesse Mette-Marit,prinsesse Ingrid Alexandra,prins Sverre Magnus ombord på Kongeskipet i Geirangerfjorden hvor de deltar i Märtha Louise og Durek Verrett sitt Bryllup.Foto: cornelius Poppe / NTB / POOL” title=”Foto: Cornelius Poppe / NTB”/>
Kongen inviterte NTB på vegne av pressenorge om bord Kongeskipet for å ta bilde av kongefamilien før bryllupet. Bildet ble delt med hele pressen.
Foto: Cornelius Poppe / NTB