Open day, a success A thousand vaccinated children –

by time news

Almost a thousand vaccinated in one day. The numbers we reward the first open day organized yesterday in the ASL of Teramo with the aim of increasing the immunized population, especially among the younger age groups, one month after returning to school. The balance at 7pm yesterday, however, when the administrations were still in progress in the two offices of Teramo and Alba Adriatica set up for the activity, spoke of 678 vaccines carried out. Of these, 622 referred to boys between 12 and 19 years, another 56 related to over 60. An excellent result, however, tainted by a data that should make us think: among the people in line to receive the dose, there was only one teacher. None in the hub of the university campus of Coste Sant’Agostino, one in Alba Adriatica.
A SUCCESS. However, that of the open days seems to be a modality capable of facilitating the race to immunization.
“We have decided that next week we will have free open days every day”, comments the contact person for the vaccination campaign in Abruzzo, Maurizio Brucchi, referring to the ASL of Teramo. «Others are however scheduled from Monday also in the ASL of Chieti, on the 21st in and then L’Aquila will follow. We have seen that the population responds positively to this formula which involves vaccinating without a reservation. And then we satisfy you ».
THE SCHOOL OBJECTIVE. The initiative is aimed above all at speeding up in view of the sound of the first bell, which in Abruzzo bears the date of 13 September.
Less than a month, therefore, to administer vaccines to just under 44 thousand under 19 in Abruzzo who have not yet had any anti Covid dose. Wanting to make a comparison, it is as if there were an entire large city of Abruzzo to be immunized. Data that apparently could be frightening but which in reality, according to Brucchi, are easily bridged.
«We are not afraid», he says, «because the Abruzzo Region has shown that it is capable of achieving certain objectives. Being able to vaccinate all these children before returning to school is not an impossible undertaking, there is both the desire and the determination of all in wanting to succeed ».
WORRYING DATA. Rather, what is perplexing is the statistics relating to teachers who are still undecided. Yesterday’s open day in Teramo gave another signal that cannot be ignored. Although the teachers were one of the categories to which the most attention was directed precisely in view of the return to class, none of the “latecomers” showed up at the Teramo vaccination hub to undergo the administration. “This forces us to reflect”, comments the regional referent for the Brucchi vaccination campaign, “and that is that there is a hard core of no vax even though 86% of those who signed up on the platform were vaccinated with the two doses “.
THE DATA OF YOUNG PEOPLE. Staying on the data updated to yesterday evening, those in the younger group say that in the population between 12 and 19 years, 27,452 are vaccinated. Another 21,441 are waiting for the second dose, but there are still 43,675 children who do not even have one.
IL GREEN PASS. A further push to undergo the vaccination campaign could come from the need to have green certification. “This morning (yesterday for the reader, ed) I met with a couple of young people who highlighted the importance of vaccination both from the health point of view and as regards obtaining the green certification », comments Brucchi. “For young people, having it becomes fundamental and this is an extra stimulus”.
THE NEXT WEEKS. The next few weeks, therefore, will be crucial in the race to immunization. “In the second part of August and then September”, concludes the referent of the anti Covid campaign, “the open days will characterize the vaccination activity in Abruzzo, also anticipating the directives of the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency Francesco Paolo Figliuolo“. All this while, according to projections, herd immunity is expected to be achieved on 7 September.

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