Open letter to my brother Master Laurent Onyemba – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-07-20 18:32:49

Dear Brother Laurent,

Even if we don’t know each other in person, you are one of the Lawyers who has always held my personal admiration, around the televised debates that I followed on TV shows, long before you joined a political party, which is, moreover, an inalienable right for any citizen who wants to engage in politics.

As you well know, the Democratic Republic of Congo and its people are still mourning the death by assassination of one of their representatives of the nation in the National Assembly, I quoted: Honorable Chérubin Okende. The Congolese people, still shocked by this tragedy, are still waiting for a thorough investigation, until we get our hands on these thugs who have bereaved an entire family, leaving them in inconsolable sadness. The Congolese people therefore wish that these general partners and their sponsors be arrested, brought before the competent authorities, judged and punished impartially and publicly, so that the soul of the deceased rests eternally in peace and that his family can finally mourn.

On the other hand, I am only a simple economist by training, but I am very interested in law and the profession of lawyer that you exercise, is a noble and respectable art. By reading your complaint on behalf of the family of the deceased, addressed to the public prosecutor of the Gombe prosecutor’s prosecutor’s office, I no longer recognized this talent that you imprinted on me, you seem to get out of the judicial framework to take the political angle, with the aim, either to disorient, or to orient opinion and justice, as if you want to disguise and to recover from the Politics, murderous killing, I explain:
As a scientist and a man of law, speaking of a complaint against the unknown or against X makes sense.
On the other hand, talking about an arbitrary arrest supposes that, either you have experienced it, or you have evidence that you are obliged to make available to the prosecution when the time comes, knowing that anything can happen that you are put on the other side of the bar as a witness, in order to enlighten the public prosecutor.

By your assertions made in the subject of your complaint, what would you say to those who think that you have usurped the power of the Prosecutor, while the family of our brother Chérubin Okende who are still living the pain of this atrocious death, unless I am mistaken on my part, are not supposed to have revealed to you any confidence that the Congolese people would ignore, because they too would seek to learn the truth about the dramatic circumstances that occurred to our brother from the moment he left the house until his death , especially since there is too much speculation surrounding this heinous murder.

So that was it, dear brother Laurent, the terms of my open letter of this Wednesday, July 19, in response to your legal proceedings published in social networks.

Let’s all be calm, the truth is coming, our brother was a deputy of the nation, the Congolese authorities will do everything possible to ensure that the culprits are arrested. No one being above the law, we expect cascading arrests, which can be translated into arrests.


Jean-Louis Tshimbalanga



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#Open #letter #brother #Master #Laurent #Onyemba #Independent #Congo

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