Open science, the system towards which Europe is heading

by time news

2023-06-03 00:00:00



From the European Council they advocate “transparent, equitable and open” access to academic publications. An “open science” that would enhance the quality of research

Analysis of a sample in a laboratory (Photo: Junta de Andalucía)

For a decade every year they have been published 6 million scientific studies, according to data from Dimensions published by ‘The Conversation’. Research in science and health is abundant. However, these millions of documents They are not always open research is not always transparent and sometimes there are no tools to access the data. This situation led the scientific community a few years ago to create the movement Open Science (Open Science). Its principles: “greater accessibility, collaboration, efficiency and transparency of research, so that it is more democratic and more closely linked to the needs of Society”.

From UNESCO, the European Commission and the different academic institutions, recommendations have been made in recent years for access without economic, technological or legal obstacles to journals, repositories, peer reviews, metrics, research data, software, big data and government data. This information open to all citizens would allow it to be used for various investigations, take it to clinical practice and improve the approach to patients that is given on a daily basis.

The European Union has requested and recommended that Member States “adapt and extend their open access policies to scientific publications”

There are many data repositories and resources from various institutions that are shared for the “dissemination and preservation of scientific production.” This is the case, for example, of the network of libraries and archives of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), and digital institutional repository with which the activity carried out at the CSIC is preserved, disseminated and organized in open access.

A change in science and research that was possible thanks to the internet and for which the European Union has requested and recommended that the Member States “adapt and extend their open access policies to scientific publications”, as pointed out the European Commission in its recommendations of July 17, 2012 for 2020.


Europe is currently engaged in the development of interoperability throughout the EU territory, with initiatives for digital systems and data repertoires that make it possible to create a European electronic health record, databases and open access research. The European Health Data Space, which is now defining its legislation, has been an important step for the development of environments that allow open science. But there is still an important road ahead.

recently the Council of the European Union Has published a series of conclusions on open science and academic publications in which it calls for and reiterates the importance of accelerating the transition to open science to improve “the quality, efficiency and impact of research”.

Currently the paywalls, increasingly present in prestigious scientific journals; false or questionable publications, on the increase, only in 2020 34% of Neuroscience articles published in 2020 were false, 24% in the field of Medicine; or the fact that not all researchers have enough resources to share their results.

The European council urges to develop national open access policies and guidelines for academic publications immediately accessible under open licenses and to apply the principle: accessible, interoperable and reusable

In recent years, in addition to the open science policies initiated in Europe, different secondary publishing rights that allow open access to academic publications made with public funds, established by different Member States; the start-up of the Coalition for the Advancement of Research Evaluation, based on peer-reviewed research and responsible use of quantitative indicators, and the European Open Science Cloud (EOC for its acronym in English), an initiative that aims to change the research process and the way in which the results of it are generated.

However, from the European Council they stress the need to invest in electronic infrastructures and digital tools with which to respond to the increase in research carried out in science and medicine on big data or open software and develop national open access policies and guidelines for academic publications immediately accessible under open licenses and to apply the principle: accessible, interoperable and reusable.

They also encourage Community action to remove barriers to access and reuse of publicly funded research results, to harmonize their access policies, to support the pilot project of the Open Research Europe and to effect a change in the culture of research “that recognizes the importance of maximizing the quality and impact of research,” they conclude. A whole transition in order to develop an open science system in Europe.

Because health we all need…

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