Opening of sessions: they denounce a “state of siege” within Congress | Villarruel and Menem leave security for the event in the hands of the Federal Police – 2024-02-29 17:09:35

by times news cr

2024-02-29 17:09:35

“It is a kind of state of siege within Congress. “It never happened before.”. In this way, an old congressional employee evaluated resolution 11/24 signed this Wednesday by the heads of both chambers, Martín Menem and Victoria Villaruelabout the day of opening of ordinary sessions.

The three-page text virtually delivers internal security to the Federal Police and not, as has been usual, to the security employees of Congress itself.

Besides, prohibits employees from moving around the building, including those of Stewardship and Maestranza, prevent anyone from accessing the premises, much less the stage, and employees cannot be located in the boxes either. Not even journalists are allowed to move freely: they must stay in a corral. The text has a strong smell of military discipline or perhaps it responds to those quirks of Javier Milei who complained about the noise in television studios.

Of course, congressional staff are already surprised – and upset – by the time change. The traditional thing was that the session was at noon, at the end there was a holiday, and all the employees arrived home in the early afternoon. Not this time. They summon selected morning, afternoon and evening employees with the prospect of returning home after midnight. Furthermore, with the restrictions specified in the resolution: only those summoned can attend and they cannot move around the building. Many of those who have been in Congress for years remember, for example, that they were sent to the stands to occupy empty places. Now that became strictly prohibited.

A point that makes noise is article 5: “The staff of the Senate and Deputies police stations will coordinate with the Head of the Military House and the police security forces for strict compliance with this resolution.” That is, that The security forces – they already told you that it will be the Federal Police – will be in charge of the internal security of the building, including the employees themselves, something that has never happened until now.

There is also not much background on the final article, number 7: “Any employee who does not comply with these provisions will be subject to disciplinary sanctions that are deemed necessary to apply.”. In other words, a threat that was never necessary.

It is already known that Milei asked for a lectern to make his speech standing up and a bit in the North American style. But it is not known why they put in place something that looks very similar to military discipline. Perhaps they want to avoid any incidents with Congressional employees themselves, angry about delayed pay and staff cuts. Perhaps the possibilities of noises that once made the president lose his temper are being limited. EITHER, Perhaps it is the martial style that the vice president is trying to impose, because that is her imprint.

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