opening of the first vaccinodrome in Paris

by time news

He says to himself ” relieved “after calling for days “almost all hospitals in Île-de-France” to get vaccinated. This Tuesday, July 26, Jean, 66, has just received the first dose of the vaccine against monkeypox, in the Edison center in the 13th arrondissement of the capital. The day before, the Minister of Health, François Braun, announced the opening of this space intended for “significantly increase the volume of vaccinations”, while 1,700 people were infected with this disease originating in Africa, responsible for rashes or bouts of fever. Its location in Paris is desired, Île-de-France being the first region affected, with 726 cases.

Within the Edison center, three doctors will be in charge of the vaccination of “200 to 300 people a day”. Among them, Samuel, already mobilized last summer for the Covid-19 pandemic. “We received specific training to better understand this disease. For the moment, we are not particularly worried about our ability to meet the demand of the public concerned”, he declares. On this inauguration day, about sixty people were vaccinated. “Fairly informed people, who are familiar with the vaccination process”, underlines the intern in medicine.

Fuzzy communication

Precision makes sense, as communication around monkeypox remains unclear. On Doctolib, where appointments are normally made at the Edison center, it is impossible to reserve a specific slot for vaccination against the disease. “I got the information by chance while looking at the town hall’s website. It was via one of the forms that I was able to book,” points out Jean, who says to himself ” worried “ of government management. Same thing for Roy, 30, informed of the opening of this center by friends. “We have a group in which we learn about monkeypox. Some of us are afraid because they are part of the population at risk and we do not know this virus well. »

In a press release dated July 25, the Inter-LGBT, which brings together some sixty associations, protests against “the lack of transparency of the government”. The number of vaccines deployed, 42,000 according to the latest statements by the Minister of Health, is considered ” insufficient with regard to the population at risk. On July 7, the High Authority for Health (HAS) estimated the number of multi-partner homosexuals at 250,000 over the past six months, to which must be added the 73,000 people who have had recourse to Prep, a treatment which prevents infection with the AIDS virus. For its part, the Edison center did not communicate on the number of vaccines available in its structure.

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