opening of the trial, Gilbert Dienderé facing justice

by time news

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Opening this Monday, September 19 of the trial in the Dabo Boukari case, named after a medical student murdered in 1990. He had been kidnapped by soldiers from the former presidential security regiment, during a student struggle . After years of struggle led by his comrades, the trial opens, with in the box of the accused General Gilbert Dienderé, former chief of staff of Blaise Compaoré, and two other soldiers.

With our correspondent in Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani

If the national association of Burkinabè students welcomes what it considers a stage victory, it calls for mobilization to maintain the pressure. Thirty-two years ago, on May 19, 1990, Dabo Boukary, Burkinabè student in 7th year of medicine, was kidnapped and murdered. This September 19, 2022, the trial in this case opens before the criminal chamber of the Ouagadougou Court of Appeal.

Three people find themselves in the dock. First there is the doctor Lieutenant-Colonel Mamadou Bamba, who would have served as a guide and informant for the soldiers of the former presidential security regiment for the arrests of the students. Then there is Magloire Victoire Yougbaré, sergeant at the time. The latter is indicted for having served as the driver of the vehicle in which Dabo Boukary was transported to the Council of the Entente.

And finally, in this box, we find the General Gilbert Dienderé. Captain at the time, he would have ordered the removal of the body of the student, then his burial in Pô, a town located about a hundred kilometers south of Ouagadougou.

These three defendants are being prosecuted for “complicity in illegal arrest, aggravated kidnapping, complicity in assault and battery causing death without intention of killing and concealment of a corpse” among other things. On the occasion of the opening of this trial, the National Association of Students of Burkina demands that all those involved, in one way or another, in the Dabo Boukary case be called to appear and answer for their actions, regardless of their status and function.

“We hope that with the judicial outcome of this case, the truth will finally be revealed about the sponsors and the executors of the assassination of the student Dabo Boukary. »

Opening of the trial in the Dabo Boukary case: the hopes of the Burkinabè Movement for Human and Peoples’ Rights

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