Operation “Dawn”: all the updates from the third day of fighting minute by minute

by time news

Operation “Dawn” – the third day: The round of fighting between Israel and the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization entered its third day, this after the terrorist organization confirmed this morning (Sunday) that the commander of its southern brigade in the Gaza Strip, Khaled Mansour, was killed last night by the IDF in an attack in Rafah.

At the same time as the rockets were fired from the Strip, the IDF carried out attacks during the night, in which they hit and thwarted senior members of the Islamic Jihad. During the days of fighting, more than 400 rockets were fired at Israel and the Iron Dome system had a 95% success rate in intercepting them.

Operation “Dawn” – special coverage:
Elimination of senior officials and continued shooting to the south and Gush Dan Summary of the second day
“Dawn” opened successfully, but the dangerous period begins now
The thwarting that opened the operation: this is how the senior Islamic Jihad was eliminated watch
Gantz threatens: “The leadership of the Islamic Jihad abroad will pay a price”
Following the operation: the updated rear command restrictions

ongoing updates:

09:22: A barrage of rockets towards the settlements of the Eshkol region and the northern Negev. One of the rockets hit a house in the Eshkol Regional Council, there were no casualties. Minor damage was caused to the structure.

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09:05: A rocket fell in the yard of a house in Sderot. No casualties or damage.

09:04: A barrage of rockets towards the settlements surrounding Gaza.

09:03: Lapid on the elimination of Mansur: “act in a targeted and responsible manner in order to minimize harm to those not involved”; Gantz: “Whoever seeks to harm the citizens of Israel – will harm.”

The senior Islamic Jihad leader who was eliminated, Khaled Mansour (Photo: Arab Networks)

09:02: An alarm was raised in settlements in the north of the Negev, near Netivot.

08:49: Sderot Municipality: More than ten rockets were fired in barrages in the last hour. One rocket fell at the gate of a factory in an industrial zone and the rest were intercepted. There are no casualties.

08:40: An alarm was triggered in the Gaza Strip.

08:34: An alarm was activated in Sderot.

08:13: For the first time since the beginning of the operation: alarms in the Jerusalem mountains

08:11: The IDF released rare documentation of the rocket launch from Gaza that led to the death of four children in Jabaliya

The failed rocket fire by the Islamic Jihad in Jabaliya (photo: IDF spokesman)

07:27: 20 terrorist operatives associated with the Islamic Jihad were arrested tonight throughout Judea and Samaria. All the suspects were transferred to the security forces for further treatment. There are no casualties to our forces.

07:22: The IDF: The commander of the southern brigade, Khaled Mansour, was foiled tonight with his assistants. In addition, the commander of the Rafah brigade and another senior member of the organization were killed. In this incident, the wife of one of them was also killed. At the same time, the IDF foiled an offensive terrorist tunnel in the center of the Gaza Strip and in the south of the Gaza Strip. It crossed and was destroyed. The tunnel did not cross into Israeli territory.

An offensive tunnel attack by the Islamic Jihad (photo: IDF spokesperson)

07:21: After a relatively quiet night: an alarm was triggered in the Gaza Strip

05:45: The Islamic Jihad confirms that the organization’s commander in the southern Gaza Strip, Khaled Mansour, was killed in an IDF attack in Rafah last night.

01:47: After a lull of a few hours – red color alarms were heard in the Gaza Strip.

23:37: A senior official in Amn claimed, referring to the incident in the Jabaliya neighborhood in which a number of Palestinians were killed, including children, that “we have solid information also from many Palestinian citizens that verifies the fact that the injury to the children in Jabaliya was caused by a failed rocket of the Islamic Jihad “.

At the same time, the head of the Operations Division, General Oded Basiuk, announced that the commander of the southern sector of the Islamic Jihad had indeed been eliminated. “In fact, the entire security elite of the Jihad in Gaza has been eliminated,” he added.

The scene of Khaled Mansour's assassination (Photo: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)The scene of Khaled Mansour’s assassination (Photo: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)
Rocket fire from the Gaza Strip during Operation Dawn (Photo: Majdi Fathi/TPS)Rocket fire from the Gaza Strip during Operation Dawn (Photo: Majdi Fathi/TPS)
Sharifa Beer KK'' (photo: HCV)Sharifa Beer KK” (photo: HCV)

Chief of Staff Kochavi at the Fire Center in the Southern Command, IDF spokesman

The rocket hit in Ashkelon (photo: Police spokespersons)The rocket hit in Ashkelon (photo: Police spokespersons)
IDF forces in the Gaza Strip, Operation Dawn (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)IDF forces in the Gaza Strip, Operation Dawn (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Damage to a house in Sderot (photo: Sderot Municipality Spokesperson)Damage to a house in Sderot (photo: Sderot Municipality Spokesperson)
Islamic Jihad Secretary General Ziad Al Nakhla in Tehran (Photo: Arab Networks)Islamic Jihad Secretary General Ziad Al Nakhla in Tehran (Photo: Arab Networks)

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